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CNI-ANNOUNCE -- News from the Coalition for Networked Information
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1-100 of 2202 selected
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Cliff Lynch Ithaka report on developments in resear.. 946 04 Jan, 18
Clifford Lynch Free Conference, "Science of Science", .. 965 14 Mar, 16
Clifford Lynch British Academy "Debating Open Access" .. 967 09 Jul, 13
Clifford Lynch More on NSF Policy Changes on Data Mana.. 994 12 May, 10
Clifford Lynch Future of Scholarly Publishing Conferen.. 995 09 Jan, 14
Clifford Lynch Report on Software Sustainability 1001 04 Mar, 16
Cliff Lynch 2030 Future Cybersecurity Scenarios 1011 20 May, 21
Clifford Lynch High Performance Computing Conference, .. 1017 14 Oct, 11
Clifford Lynch OECD report "Making Open Science A Real.. 1023 28 Sep, 15
Clifford Lynch NLM Journal Article Tag Suite Conferenc.. 1044 26 Jul, 10
Clifford Lynch Santa Cruz Conference on 3d Modeling in.. 1044 04 Mar, 16
Cliff Lynch Hold the Date: Personal Digital Archivi.. 1046 03 Jan, 20
Cliff Lynch International Digital Curation Conferen.. 1048 07 Mar, 18
Clifford Lynch Developments in NSF Grant Data Manageme.. 1051 11 May, 10
Cliff Lynch US National Library of Medicine Curatio.. 1051 05 Feb, 20
Clifford Lynch Open Archives Object Reuse & Exchange D.. 1057 31 Dec, 70
Clifford Lynch Nature Section on Data Sharing 1060 10 Sep, 09
Clifford Lynch New Director of NSF Office of Cyberinfr.. 1064 11 Jun, 08
Clifford Lynch Report on Data Stewardship in Canada 1071 03 Feb, 09
Cliff Lynch Workshop on Computational Archival Scie.. 1072 28 Nov, 16
Cliff Lynch 2017-2018 CNI Program Plan now available 1081 13 Dec, 17
Cliff Lynch 2017-2018 CNI Program Plan now available 1081 13 Dec, 17
Clifford Lynch Webcast & DC Symposium on NITRD This Th.. 1082 13 Feb, 12
Clifford Lynch Material from June 4, 2016 Web Archivi.. 1083 10 Aug, 15
Cliff Lynch Hold the date: CNI-JISC 2018 joint meet.. 1084 05 Apr, 17
Cliff Lynch NSF Idea Machine 2026 Competition 1086 23 Sep, 18
Clifford Lynch Science Oct 4 2013 Special Section on S.. 1090 05 Oct, 13
Cliff Lynch NIH call for input on Data Management, .. 1090 16 Nov, 16
Cliff Lynch Force 2018 Meeting, Montreal Canada, Oc.. 1094 07 Mar, 18
Clifford Lynch UK Royal Society report "Science as an .. 1099 22 Jun, 12
Clifford Lynch JISC call for input: Visions of Educati.. 1110 27 Jan, 16
Clifford Lynch OCLC Report on College Students Views o.. 1111 31 Dec, 70
Clifford Lynch Archiving 2009, May 4-7, 2009, Arlingto.. 1111 21 Oct, 08
Clifford Lynch Harvard/Purdue Data Management Symposiu.. 1114 01 May, 15
Cliff Lynch Material From Library of Congress Prese.. 1118 03 Jan, 20
Cliff Lynch Ithaka paper "Scholars are collectors: .. 1120 28 Nov, 18
Clifford Lynch US Dept. of Education National Educatio.. 1124 23 Mar, 10
Clifford Lynch Smithsonian "Best of Both Worlds" book 1125 29 Aug, 13
Clifford Lynch 2013 DATAEdge Conference at UC Berkeley 1127 10 May, 13
Clifford Lynch Symposium "Saving the Web" at Library o.. 1127 02 Jun, 16
Clifford Lynch Science Magazine, Dec 2, 2011, on Repro.. 1129 02 Dec, 11
Clifford Lynch NSF Call for Input on Advanced Cyberinf.. 1135 26 May, 16
Cliff Lynch All European Academies (ALLEA) Report o.. 1135 18 Feb, 20
Cliff Lynch Nature Survey of Scientists on AI and S.. 1135 30 Sep, 23
Clifford Lynch Video from Texas A&M Symposium on Schol.. 1136 08 Mar, 09
Clifford Lynch Call for Case Studies on Data Ethics fr.. 1136 09 Oct, 15
Cliff Lynch ExLibris Report on Supporting Academic.. 1137 10 Sep, 20
Clifford Lynch Personal Digital Archiving 2015: New Yo.. 1138 30 Jul, 14
Clifford Lynch McCusker Lecture, Dominican University,.. 1139 20 Oct, 11
Clifford Lynch Cyberinfrastructure for Classical Studi.. 1141 25 Oct, 10
Cliff Lynch Linked Data 2023 Conference: Virtual, J.. 1141 20 Jun, 23
Clifford Lynch NIH Call for Information on Training Ne.. 1145 25 Feb, 13
Cliff Lynch Article on the Right to Be Forgotten 1148 12 Mar, 18
Clifford Lynch NDSA Report on Appraisal and Selection .. 1150 24 Oct, 13
Cliff Lynch MIT Code 2017 Conference: Cambridge, MA.. 1151 10 Jul, 17
Cliff Lynch International Digitial Curation Confere.. 1151 26 Jul, 17
Cliff Lynch 2019-2020 CNI Program Plan Available on.. 1152 09 Dec, 19
Clifford Lynch Report from Curating for Quality NSF wo.. 1153 26 Oct, 12
Cliff Lynch Material from "Archives, Access and AI".. 1153 04 Feb, 20
Cliff Lynch CNI 2018 -2019 Progam Plan now available 1156 11 Dec, 18
Clifford Lynch Report on Hybrid Libraries and User Beh.. 1158 31 Dec, 70
Cliff Lynch Upcoming 6/15 Webinar from PLOS and Pro.. 1158 02 Jun, 21
Cliff Lynch New JISC report on what data to keep an.. 1159 08 Mar, 19
Clifford Lynch Personal Digital Archiving 2016: Ann Ar.. 1164 09 Sep, 15
Clifford Lynch To Share or Not to Share Report from RIN 1165 11 Jun, 08
Clifford Lynch NSF Data Management Plan Requirement In.. 1167 04 Oct, 10
Clifford Lynch Riding the Wave - European Commission r.. 1167 06 Oct, 10
Clifford Lynch Bill Bowen's Tanner Lectures on Economi.. 1168 17 Oct, 12
Cliff Lynch COAR Report on Next-Generation Reposito.. 1168 29 Nov, 17
CNI CGP List Manager Re: UNSUBSCRIBE 1169 31 Dec, 70
Clifford Lynch EDUCAUSE ACTI Report on Institutional R.. 1173 10 Jan, 13
Clifford Lynch ITHAKA S+R Evidence Driven Library Spac.. 1173 13 Oct, 14
Clifford Lynch National Academies Report on Frontiers .. 1175 19 Jul, 13
Cliff Lynch EDUCAUSE Horizon Report on Data and Ana.. 1175 19 Jul, 22
Cliff Lynch Semantic Interoperability at Scale, DC,.. 1177 17 Oct, 16
Clifford Lynch Orphan Works & Mass Digitization Sympos.. 1179 27 Dec, 11
Cliff Lynch NIH Open Data Science Symposium, Dec 1,.. 1179 13 Oct, 16
Clifford Lynch Transcripts from the NEH/Italy Digital .. 1180 13 Feb, 08
Cliff Lynch Another report on Reproducibility in th.. 1180 16 Sep, 17
Clifford Lynch David Rosenthal's Spring CNI meeting pl.. 1181 15 Apr, 09
Cliff Lynch Ithaka S+R Draft for Comment on Shared .. 1183 19 Jul, 23
Clifford Lynch Knowledge Exchange report on IPR Policy.. 1184 30 Mar, 12
Clifford Lynch WIkipedia to add VIAF Identifiers 1184 30 Jul, 12
Clifford Lynch UK Report on Learning Analytics: "From .. 1184 27 Jan, 16
Cliff Lynch Pagebreak -- next generation publishing.. 1184 05 Jul, 22
Clifford Lynch New Report on Information Practices in .. 1186 30 Jan, 12
Clifford Lynch Research Data Issue of Journal of Libra.. 1186 28 Sep, 15
Clifford Lynch Nature Survey and Report on Reproducibi.. 1188 26 May, 16
Clifford Lynch survey on CRIS and IR use in Europe 1193 04 Mar, 16
Cliff Lynch UK Report on Open Research Data Landsca.. 1193 05 Jul, 17
Clifford Lynch DIgital Archives: Navigating the Legal .. 1194 28 Jul, 10
Clifford Lynch European Science Foundation on "Researc.. 1197 15 Dec, 11
Cliff Lynch AIDR 2019: Artificial Intelligence for .. 1199 25 Jan, 19
Clifford Lynch Report of NSF/JISC Workshop on Reposito.. 1200 28 Sep, 07
Clifford Lynch UC Berkeley Report on Collaborative Too.. 1207 18 May, 09
Clifford Lynch McKinsey Report on Open Data 1209 31 Oct, 13
Clifford Lynch IDCC 2016 Feb 22-25, 2016, Amsterdam 1211 25 Jun, 15
Clifford Lynch SURF Foundation Colloquium on Quality I.. 1212 03 Nov, 12
Cliff Lynch Computational Archival Science Symposiu.. 1212 06 Jan, 20
Clifford Lynch Howard Besser on Educause Live, Decembe.. 1216 13 Dec, 07
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