The meeting described below (and/or the opportunity to submit testimony to the Working Group) may be of interest to CNI-Announce readers. Note that there will be two additional public meetings of the group (with somewhat different topical foci) as described at:
Disclosure: I'm a member of this group ( even if I don't appear in the photo on the group's main page).
Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
Invitation to attend or to submit written testimony
Date: March 8, 2007, 8:30a.m. - 4:15p.m.
Location: Google Headquarters, 1500 Plymouth Street, Mountain
View, CA 94043
All interested parties are welcome to attend. No prior registration
The first of three public meetings will focus on bibliographic data
from a variety of perspectives. Specifically, the Working Group seeks
input regarding:
· Who is using current bibliographic data and how are they using it?
· Are current bibliographic data meeting user needs?
· What changes or enhancements to bibliographic data are
needed/recommended to better meet user needs?
The Working Group charge, background paper, information about
submitting testimony, and meeting agenda are available on the Working
Group Web page: http://www.loc.gov/bibliographic-future/
Speakers include:
Karen Markey, Professor, School of Information, University of Michigan
Timothy Burke, Associate Professor, Department of History, Swarthmore
Tony Hammond, New Technology, Nature Publishing Group
Andrew Pace, Head, Information Technology, North Carolina State
University Libraries
Anurag Acharya, Principal Engineer, Google Scholar
Bernie Hurley, Director for Library Technologies, Director of the
Northern Regional Library Facility, The UC Berkeley Library
Oren Beit-Arie, Chief Strategy Officer, Ex Libris Group
Submitting Written Testimony
The Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control wants to know
the viewpoints of all parties interested in this topic. Even if you
are unable to attend one of the three regional meetings, written
testimony will be accepted by the Working Group until July 15th, 2007.
Please clearly state the name, affiliation, and contact information of
the individual or group submitting the written input. Those submitting
testimony are welcome to attend the meetings and read the written
statement into the record for the meeting, but that is not mandatory.
All written testimony should be sent to:
Dr. José-Marie Griffiths
Dean and Professor
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB#3360, 100 Manning Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-33603