Return-Path: Sender: To: CNI-ANNOUNCE Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 17:50:00 -0400 Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: Received: from [] ([] verified) by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.1.8) with ESMTPS id 28179916 for; Fri, 08 Jun 2007 15:46:21 -0400 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v624) Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Original-Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; format=flowed X-Original-To: From: Joan K. Lippincott Subject: Infrastructures for Academic Services: DINI Publication X-Original-Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 15:46:21 -0400 X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.624) Dear cni-announce subscribers: Our colleagues Peter Schirmbacher and Andreas Degkwitz sent this=20 announcement of a new publication, which they edited. It is published=20= by DINI, the German Networked Information organization. --Joan Lippincott ------------------------------ 'Changing Infrastructures for Academic Services' is a description of a=20= set of ongoing projects, whose goal is to set up an integrated=20 information management system to improve the cooperation between German=20= institutions that provide academic support in the field of information,=20= communication and media services. Each of the contributions=20 demonstrates the different patterns of organisation and services, the=20 various starting points and approaches, the broad diversity of=20 successful activities, and the ongoing problems that characterize the=20 current service and support organisations in German universities. In order to reach an international audience, every contribution has=20 been translated into English. In UK and US universities this topic has=20= been discussed for many years under the heading of 'convergence'. This=20= enables a long-term review of experiences and developments. The many=20 examples in the contributions offer an opportunity to share and to=20 profit from national and international experiences. The publication is an Open Access Publication that is available in the=20= book trade and directly from the publisher Bock + Herchen =96 D-53581 = Bad=20 Honnef, Postbox 1145, Fon: ++49-2224-5775, Fax: ++49-2224-78310 -=20 E-Mail: You can also download the publication for free at: The Authors are: * Uwe Blotevogel, Director of the Center for Information and Media Services of the University Duisburg-Essen * Dr. Bettina B=F6hm, Chancellor of the Wilhelms-University Munster * Dr.-Ing Andrea B=F6r, Advisor of the CIO, Technical University = Munich * Dr. Rolf Borgeest, Advisor of the CIO (Project IntegraTUM), Technical University Munich * Dr. Leopold Eichner, Director of the Computer Center, University Augsburg * Steffi Engert, Media and Customer-Service of the Center for Information and Media Services of the University Duisburg-Essen * Christine Gl=E4ser, Member of the IBIT-Executive Board and Head of the IBIT-Customer Services, University Oldenburg * Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Gro=DFmann, Director of the Communication and Information Center of the University Ulm * Prof. Dr. Hannes Hartenstein, Vice-Director of the Computer Center, University Karlsruhe * Dr. Wilhelm Held, Director of the Center for Data Processing of the Wilhelms-University Munster * Dr. Ulrich Hohoff, Director of the University Library Augsburg * Prof. Dr. Wilfried Juling, Director of the Computer Center, Technical University Karlsruhe * Frank Klapper, CIO-IT of the University Bielefeld * Prof. Dr. Hartmut Koke, Vice-Director and Head of the Institute for Scientific Data-Processing G=F6ttingen * Dr. Norbert Lossau, Director of the State- and University Library G=F6ttingen * Axel Maurer, Manager of the KIM-Project, Technical University Karlsruhe * Sebastian Rieger, Member of the Working Group IT-Infrastructure of the Institute for Scientific Data-Processing G=F6ttingen * Dr. Beate Tr=F6ger, Director of the University- and Regional = Library of the Wilhelms-Universit=E4t Munster * Hans-Joachim W=E4tjen, Chairman of the IBIT-Executive Board =E1nd Director of the IBIT-Library and Media Services, University=20 Oldenburg * Dr. Sabine Wefers, Director of the University and Regional Library Jena