Dr. Liz Lyon, who is well known to many in the CNI community for her work on the EBank project and her roles at UKOLN and the UK Digital Curation Center, has just done a new report for the JISC dealing with data curation roles and responsibilities that should be extremely timely not just for the UK but for those elsewhere struggling with similar questions. Below, I reproduce Neil Jacobs' announcement of her report and the report's URL.
Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
The data deluge is upon us, and now is the right time to be taking action to ensure that we are not overwhelmed. A new report "Dealing with Data" charts a practical path forward and will help all stakeholders plan the next steps in data curation. The report, by Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN and Associate Director, DCC, is strategically positioned to provide a bridge between the Research Information Network's high-level Framework of Principles and Guidelines for the stewardship of research data, and practitioner-focussed technical development work.
Why is data such a big challenge? Whereas articles or books have, until recently, been fairly standard formats across disciplines, data has always been diverse, with some disciplines using rich textual sources, others using massive petabyte datasets, and still others using data that changes by the second. The range of stakeholders involved is wide, too, with important roles for funders, institutions, JISC and others if the aim - well managed and usable data - is to be achieved.
The report reviews the variety of data, and arrangements for its curation and use, across disciplines.The work of funders, national data centres, institutional repositories, learned societies and the Digital Curation Centre are all documented, with a view to identifying (as the report's subtitle says) the "roles, rights, responsibilities and relationships", that are emerging as important.
The report's recommendations offer a practical way forward in this area, where the sheer scale of the task can be daunting. JISC and others are already taking forward work in a number of the areas highlighted, such as the costs and benefits of data preservation, and offering discipline-specific guidance to the sector. Further work is planned, including the development of a 'Data Audit Framework' to enable all universities and colleges to carry out an audit of departmental data collections, awareness, policies and practice for data curation and preservation.
We are moving rapidly into an era of data-driven research and scholarship, across the broad range of academic disciplines. If the currency of that work, the data itself, is not to be debased, then it needs to be well managed, so that researchers can use it both now and into the future.
The final report is available at:
Best wishes
Neil Jacobs <n.jacobs@jisc.ac.uk>
JISC Executive, Beacon House, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1QU
+44 (0)117 33 10772 / 07768 040179