Here are some opportunities that may interest cni-announce readers.
Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants
The U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the U.S.
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) invite applications to
the Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants program. This program is designed
to encourage innovations in the digital humanities. By awarding
relatively low-dollar grants during the planning stages, the goal is to
identify projects that are particularly innovative and have the
potential to make a positive impact on the humanities. By having IMLS
co-sponsor this grant opportunity with the NEH, our hope is to spark
more collaborations among scholars, librarians, museum officials, and
computer scientists.
Deadlines: October 16, 2007 & April 2, 2008
The guidelines are available here:
There is one major change in this grant opportunity from last year that
I'd like to emphasize. Based on feedback from the digital humanities
community, we now have two levels of funding available:
LEVEL I START-UP: Awards of $5000 - $25,000. These are small grants
designed to fund brainstorming sessions, basic research, workshops,
early alpha-level prototypes, and initial planning.
LEVEL II START-UP: Awards of $25,001 - $50,000. These are larger grants
which can be used for more fully-formed projects that are ready to start
the first stage of implementation or the creation of working prototypes.
For more information, please contact us at: dhi@neh.gov
To join our listserv, see: https://securegrants.neh.gov/dhi.asp