ECDL 2007
11th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
September 16-21, 2007, Budapest, Hungary
This unique and well-established series brings together researchers, developers and practitioners working in various disciplines and related areas of digital libraries all over the world, providing a meeting point for the library, Web and DL communities.
The conference will consist of a three days technical programme, preceded by a tutorial day and followed by workshops. The technical program will include refereed paper presentations, plenary sessions, panels and poster sessions.
ECDL 2007 will be devoted to discussions about hot issues and applications and will primarily provide a forum to reinforce the collaboration of researchers and practicioners in the following topics: Ontologies, Digita Libraries and the Web, Models, Multimedia and Multilingual Digital Libraries, Grid and Peer-to-Peer, Preservation, User Interfaces, Document Linking, Information Retrieval, Personal Information Management, New DL Applications, and User Studies.
The keynote talk by Prof. Seamus Ross (Humanities Computing & Information Management (HATII), University of Glasgow) will address the questions of preservation, while the keynote talk by Prof. Arne Solvgerg (Dept. of Computer and Information Science (IDI), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)) will focus on WiFi-Trondheim - an experiment in providing Broadband Everywhere for All.
Panels will address timely and important topics, namely, experiences of DL projects in panel „On the move towards the European Digital Library: BRICKS, TEL, MICHAEL and DELOS converging experiences” in synergy with the European Commission`s initiatives and the special challenges of digital library research and development in the host region of the conference in panel „Digital Libraries in Central and Eastern Europe: Infrastructure Challenges for the New Europe”
The correspondiong tutorials will provide further in-depth looks at areas of current interest, including Thesauri and Ontologies, DL Education, Large Scale Digital Library Infrastructures, Sharing Content, Services and Computing Resources.
The Workshops, covering wide areas of interest, to be held in conjunction with ECDL2007, on September 20-21.
? CLEF 2007 - Cross language Evaluation Forum
? Workshop on “Foundations of Digital Libraries”
? LADL 2007 - Cross-Media and Personalized Learning Applications on top of Digital Libraries
? Curriculum Development in Digital Libraries: An Exercise in Developing Lesson Plans
? Towards an European repository ecology: conceptualising interactions between networks of repositories and services
? Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services
? Libraries in the Digital Age: What If …?
Registration and program details are available at http://www.ecdl2007.org
Budapest, one of the most beautiful historical capitals in Europe, is situated on the banks of the Danube. Buda lies in the hills on the western bank, famous for its historic Castle Hill and beautiful residential area, and bustling Pest with its shopping, government and commercial districts lies on the flat plain of the east bank.
The architectural beauty with its monuments from neo-classic through baroque to eclectic art nouveau is prevalent in the city. Budapest is also world famous for its artistic abundance of concerts, operas, recitals, galas and exhibitions.
The Europa Congress Center, the conference site, providing a modern plenary room and several session rooms with state-of-the-art technology, will be a unique venue to organize the event.
Organization Committee
General Chair: Dr. Laszlo Kovacs, Department of Distributed Systems, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Programme Co-Chair: Prof. Dr. Norbert Fuhr, Information Systems Faculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Programme Co-Chair: Dr. Carlo Meghini, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Italy
Local Arrangements Chair: Dr. Gusztav Hencsey, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Workshops Chairs:
Maristella Agosti, University of Padua, Italy
Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, State and University Library, Denmark
Poster & Demo Chairs:
Dr. Ulrike Steffens, OFFIS, Germany
José Borbinha, DEI/IST/UTL and INESC-ID, Portugal
Tutorials Chair:
Rudi Schmiede, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Publicity and Exhibit Chairs:
Yuzuru Tanaka for Asia, Meme Media Laboratory, Hokkaido University, Japan
Jane Hunter for Australia, School of ITEE, Australia
Hussein Suleman for Africa, University of Cape Town, South-Africa
Panel Chairs:
Seamus Ross, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Edward Fox, Virginia Tech / Dept of Computer Science, USA
Doctoral Consortium Chairs:
Tiziana Catarci, University of Rome 1, Italy
Nicolas Spyratos, University of Paris-Sud, France
Contact: office@ecdl2007.org
Home: http://www.ecdl2007.org