Mailing List Message #113256
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: EDUCAUSE Live! - Copyright, Fair Use and the Economy
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 16:35:35 -0500
Free Webcast Friday on the value of Fair Use

My next EDUCAUSE Live! Webcast features Matt Schruers, Senior Council for Litigation and Legislative Affairs with the Computer and Communications Industry Association, speaking on "Copyright Fair Use and the Economy". 1-2pm Eastern Time, Friday, Feb. 1. No charge, but registration required at <>. 

The copyright legislative process in Washington traditionally focuses on increasing the protection provided to copyrights, based on the assumption that this will strengthen the economy. Recent research, however, indicates that exceptions to copyright protection also promote innovation and are a major catalyst of U.S. economic growth. Specific exceptions to copyright protection under U.S. and international law, generally classified under the broad heading of fair use, are vital to many industries and stimulate growth across the economy. In fact, business enterprises that benefit from fair use generate substantial revenue, employ millions of workers, and, in 2006, represented one-sixth of total U.S. gross domestic product. This economic research suggests that future copyright legislation needs to account for these important limitations if the policy-making process is to stimulate growth.

All EDUCAUSE Live! Webcasts are archived for later (re)viewing.

See you Friday.

Steven L. Worona
Director of Policy and Networking Programs
EDUCAUSE / 1150 18th St. NW suite 1010 / Washington, DC 20036
202-872-4200 x 5358 / 202-872-4318 fax /
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