I'm very pleased to share this call for contributions for the 4th International Digital Curation Conference, to be held December 1-3, 2008 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and to announce that as we did in 2007, CNI will be a co-sponsor of this meeting. Even if you are not planning to submit a paper, I hope that the early notice of the dates for your calendar will be helpful. As those who have been to earlier DCC meetings will I think agree, this is a primary venue for the discussions about data curation.
Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
4th International Digital Curation Conference
"Radical Sharing: Transforming Science?"
In partnership with the National e-Science Centre we are holding our 4th International Digital Curation Conference on 1-3 December 2008 at the Hilton Grosvenor Hotel in Edinburgh, Scotland.
The DCC invites the submission of full papers, posters and demos from individuals, organisations and institutions across all disciplines and domains engaged in the creation, use and management of digital data, especially those involved in the challenge of curating data in e-science and e-research.
Full details available at http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/dcc-2008/
Sent on behalf of
Chris Rusbridge
Director of the Digital Curation Centre
Bridget Robinson
DCC Community Development
UKOLN, University of Bath
Bath BA2 4NF
Tel: + 44 (0) 1225 383343 www.dcc.ac.uk