Mailing Lijst Bericht #113307
From: Joan Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: EDUCAUSE Live - Aug. 1 - Wittenberg on Gutenburg-e
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 17:40:00 -0400
cni-announce subscribers may be interested in an EDUCAUSE Live webcast on Friday, August 1 from 102 PM Eastern.

Kate Wittenberg, who was director of the Electronic Publishing Initiative at Columbia (EPIC) from 1999-2008 will discuss the pioneering Gutenberg-e project.

The Gutenberg-e project was created as a bold experiment to explore whether peer-reviewed, born-digital monographs would alter the way historical scholarship is presented, whether scholars would receive the same professional credit for these publications as they would from work published in print, and whether the project would enable the publication of monographs that would otherwise be turned down for financial reasons by university presses. The project has a history that includes both exciting breakthroughs and significant challenges. A number of the authors have created completely new models of collaboration in the scholarly communication process as well as new models of historical scholarship and narrative. We have come to understand that e-books require a significant level of investment in both editorial and technical staff time in order to create publications that reach their full potential as works of digital scholarship. We have also learned that integrating and sustaining this work within a collaborative publishing, library, and technology organization presents significant challenges and great opportunities. Wittenberg will discuss the projectıs findings and cover both the breakthroughs and obstacles encountered during the course of the projectıs development.

As always, no charge, but registration required at <>.
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