Mailing Lijst Bericht #113344
From: Clifford Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Conf. on Economics of Scientific Data Archiving
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 09:30:01 -0500
Conf. on Economics of Scientific Data Archiving
I wanted to share this pointer from Neil Beagrie to the presentations and report from a recent Budapest conference on the economics of archiving scientific data. These offer a very timely look at some of the experience and thinking in Europe on these challenges.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI

The Alliance for Permanent Access has just completed its annual conference (Budapest, 4 November) : this year the theme was the economics of archiving scientific data.
The Alliance's international membership includes strategic partners from the research community, libraries, publishers, and digital preservation organisations. Participants called upon the Alliance to act as an umbrella organisation to secure sustainable funding for permanent access in Europe.
A comprehensive conference report (complete with photographs conveying the atmosphere!), together with the powerpoint presentations, abstracts and authors' biographies is now available online at
Neil Beagrie
Charles Beagrie Ltd
Digital Access and Preservation
Management and Research Consultancy
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