Mailing Lijst Bericht #113467
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: NISO D2D Forum where you are speaking -- info you can use for publicity
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 14:40:21 -0500
I'm looking forward to giving a keynote at this conference in Atlanta on March 23.
Joan Lippincott

NISO Forum on Discovery to Delivery: OpenURL, sign-on authentication, cross-device accessibility and more!
OpenURL --- Knowledgebase quality --- Sign-on authentication --- Scholarly linking recommendations --- Usability metrics --- Cross-device accessibility
If you’re dealing with any of these issues in providing services to your users, then you’ll want to attend NISO’s one-day forum on DISCOVERY TO DELIVERY: CREATING A FIRST-CLASS USER EXPERIENCE on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center, Atlanta, GA. NISO educational forums are routinely praised for their excellent selection of speakers representing a diversity of viewpoints across the scholarly information community and the small size which provides opportunities to network with speakers and other attendees.
There is information everywhere today and access to it relies on a seamless discovery process that offers all appropriate options to the unassisted information seeker. The journey between discovery and delivery is accomplished with a variety of differing technologies and processes, many of which depend on a reliable and accurate knowledge base of coverage information. As demands on these technologies change and expand, NISO supports a variety of efforts to strengthen and improve them. This forum will explore new and innovative ways to meet user’s needs and expectations for discovery and delivery of content in the networked world.
Keynote Address -- Joan Lippincott, Associate Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information
Maintaining the OpenURL Registry -- Phil Norman, Director Reference and Resource Sharing Development, OCLC
Seamless Access to Resources -- Adam Chandler, Database Management and E- Resources Librarian, Cornell University Library
Usability in Georgia -- Ameet Doshi, User Engagement & Assessment Coordinator, Georgia Institute of Technology
bX™ Recommender Service -- Nettie Lagace, Product Director, Ex Libris, Inc.
Improving Single Sign On (SSO): Perfecting a Seamless, Item-Level Linking through SSO Authentication -- Harry Kaplanian, Director, Product Management, Serials Solutions
The BookServer Project -- Peter Brantley, Director BookServer Project, Internet Archive
Early bird discounts are available through March 12, 2010. A student discount is also available. For more information and to register, visit the event
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