Mailing List Message #113488
From: Joan Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Ticer (Netherlands) Digital Libraries a la Carte summer school
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 09:36:05 -0400

This is a very well-organized workshop with a program spanning topics of interest to many in the CNI constituency.


From 26 – 30 July 2010, Ticer’s international summer school "Digital Libraries à la Carte" will be held at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. You can pick your choice from a completely renewed ‘menu’ of five one-day modules.

·       Module 1: Strategic Developments and Library Management

·       Module 2: The Library in the Scholar's Workflow and Research Data

·       Module 3: Libraries - Partners in Teaching and Learning

·       Module 4: Mobile Technologies in Education and Library

·       Module 5: Web 2.0 and Linked Data in Libraries

The informative website can be found at Those registering before 1 May 2010, will receive a €150 discount.

Learn about:

·       Supporting your institution’s strategic goals

·       Your library’s return on investment

·       The role of libraries in research assessment

·       Digital scholarship

·       Data management and re-use

·       The scholar’s workflow

·       Research support services

·       Web lectures

·       21st Century literacies

·       Physical learning spaces

·       The use of mobile devices by teens and young adults

·       Mobile technology in teaching and learning

·       Mobile enhanced library services

·       eReaders in education and libraries

·       Web 2.0

·       User-centred design of next-generation library services

·       Linked data

·       Open annotation

The course is targeted at library managers/directors, deputy librarians, library middle management, digital library project managers, IT/systems librarians, IT specialists, information specialists, research librarians, teaching and learning support staff, and publishers and researchers.

Course director is Wolfram Neubauer, Library Director, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETHZ). Top speakers will present their views. Below is just a small selection.

·       Paula T. Kaufman, Dean of Libraries at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, measures the return on investment of her academic libraries.

·       Carole Goble, professor at the University of Manchester, is director of the MyGrid project and knows how to get in the scholar’s workflow.

·       Tony Hey is Corporate Vice President of External Research at Microsoft Research and an expert on data-intensive science.

·       Andrew Treloar is Director of Technology at the Australian National Data Service and can tell us how to get started with research data services.

·       Susie Andretta is senior lecturer in Information Management at the London Metropolitan University and editor of the Journal of Information Literacy.

·       Kristen Purcell, Associate Director, Research at Pew Internet & American Life Project shares research results on the use of mobile technology by teens and young adults.

·       As E-Adviser Teaching & Learning at JISC, Adam Blackwood explains how to enrich the student’s learning experience with mobile technology.

·       Tito Sierra, Associate Head for Digital Library Development, NCSU Libraries, successfully concluded several mobile library projects.

·       Anne Christensen, responsible for the beluga system at the State and University Library Hamburg shares her expertise on usability.

This learning experience is recommended by LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries), SURFfoundation, JISC, DEFF (Denmark's Electronic Research Library), CBU/KUB (the conference of university libraries in Switzerland), Helsinki University Library, and NFF (Norwegian Association of Special Libraries),

Further information

Ms Jola Prinsen, Manager Ticer

Tilburg University, Library and IT Services

P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands

Tel. +31 13 466 8310, fax +31 13 466 8383,

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