Mailing List Message #113540
From: Clifford Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: EDUCAUSE Live! Webcast 9/1/2010 on Princeton DataSpace for Research Data
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 15:41:24 -0400
EDUCAUSE Live! Webcast 9/1/2010 on Princeton DataSpace for
Serge Goldstein of Princeton will be speaking on the institution's DataSpacemodel for preserving and sharing research data on an EDUCAUSE webcast on September 1, 2010. This will offer a look at another major research university's evolving strategy for addressing data stewardship and the emerging requirements from research funders. I've reproduced the EDUCAUSE announcement below; note that they require registration, and (virtual) space on these sessions is limited and often fills up. These sessions are also archived for replay.

The EDUCAUSE Live! webcasts are a wonderful resource that should be of very broad interest to CNI-announce readers; normally, we don't cross-post there announcements unless they are very closely related to CNI's program as this one is, so you may want to directly subscrbe to their announcement list.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI

EDUCAUSE Live! Web Seminar
September 1- DataSpace: A Funding and Operational Model for Long-Term Preservation and Sharing of Research Data

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