Mailing Lijst Bericht #113543
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Institutional Repositories - EDUCAUSE Preconference
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:00:24 -0400
Dear cni-announce subscribers:

I want to call to your attention a preconference on October 12 at the EDUCAUSE annual conference in Anaheim, CA.  Susan Gibbons and Michael Bell will describe strategies they are using at University of Rochester to recruit content for their institutional repository as well as discuss broad trends.  Rochester has been an innovator in this area.  Separate, fee-based registration is required and information is below.
--Joan Lippincott
Speaker(s): Michael Bell, Susan Gibbons
8:30am - 12:00pm (Meeting Room 210D)
Morning Seminar
Campus open access mandates, the potential for the Federal Research Public Access Act or similar legislation to require public access to federally funded articles and data sets, and a growing acceptance of download statistics as a measure of impact of one's research have caused a resurgence in the interest and use of institutional repositories (IRs). This workshop will explain how IRs naturally align (or misalign) with the goals and work practices of faculty, researchers, and students and review successful strategies for content recruitment. Moreover, the workshop will be framed by the rapidly shifting higher education and open access landscapes, which may propel IRs in unanticipated ways.
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