Mailing Lijst Bericht #113565
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: EDUCAUSE Live - Cloud Contracting
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 13:40:57 -0400
Many of you tune in regularly to the EDUCAUSE Live series and we try to highlight sessions that we think may particularly interest subscribers to cni-announce.  This session highlights policy and legal issues related to computing in the cloud and should add to our understanding of institutional issues.

Follow the link to register for this free online session.
-- Joan Lippincott

"Spotlight on Cloud Computing: Cloud Contracting"

1-2pm U.S. Eastern Time, Wednesday, November 10. No charge, but registration required. Archived for future (re)viewing.

Steven J. McDonald, General Counsel, Rhode Island School of Design

Cloud computing raises not only technical but also legal and policy issues. All of them come into play -- and should come into focus -- in the contract. In this session, we'll review some of the most common issues that can (and should) arise in cloud contracts, as well as general approaches to contracting, both individual and collective. And, just when you thought Halloween was over, we'll also explore the process -- and pleasures -- of collaborating with your lawyer to get everything worked out.

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