CNI's spring membership meeting will be held April 4-5 in San Diego, CA. The Paul Evan Peters Award will be presented to UCLA professor Christine Borgman, who will deliver the Peter's Lecture: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet:
Reflections on Three Decades in Internet Time. Todd Presner, founder and director of the collaborative, digital mapping platform HyperCities, will present the closing plenary address: HyperCities: Using Social Media and GIS to Archive and Map Time Layers in Los Angeles, Berlin, Tehran, Rome, and Cairo.
More information about the plenary speakers and their topics, as well as a preliminary list of project briefings to be presented at the meeting is now available:
Check back frequently as we expect to add a few more titles to the line-up, and project briefing abstracts and a finalized scheduled will be posted shortly!
Looking forward to seeing you all in San Diego!
Diane Goldenberg-Hart
Communications Coordinator
Coalition for Networked Information
21 Dupont Circle, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
202-872-0884 (Fax)
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