Save the Date – November 30, 2011
Repositories in Science & Technology:
Preserving Access to the Record of Science
A One-Day Workshop Co-sponsored by CENDI and NFAIS
Hosted by FLICC at the Library of Congress
The Mumford Room, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20540
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 * 9:00 am - 4:30 pm *
The over-arching nature of this one-day workshop will appeal to a broad array of communities, including librarians, scientists/researchers, technologists, information professionals, both managerial and content providers, publishers, and futurists – anyone who is concerned with ensuring access to the record of science, both today and in the future!
Clifford Lynch, Executive Director of the Coalition for Networked Information, will open the day with a thoughtful and high-level perspective of the current repository landscape - the various types that have emerged and the different, yet synergistic missions served by libraries, archives and repositories. Following his perspective will be a series of case studies given by established repositories from around the globe. These studies will provide real-life examples of how and why each repository was developed, how they operate, and how they are handling the diverse issues facing all repositories, whether they be institutional or national, data-oriented or subject-oriented, public or private - issues such as interoperability, standards, scope, user concerns, accessibility, preservation, costs and sustainability, level of openness (access), and the evolution of digital formats.
A third session will take a look at two initiatives that directly support the mission of repositories through the development of unique identifiers. These identifiers will play a major role in ensuring ease of access to the record of science.
The day will close with a summary wrap-up followed by a facilitated discussion on such key challenges as interoperability, information sharing, and collaboration across repositories. What action is required now to build a secure foundation for the preservation and ease of access to the growing mass of scientific output? Follow-up sessions may be scheduled depending upon the outcome of today’s workshop. So plan on joining us and add your voice in the development of the future role of repositories.
Invited and confirmed speakers have been chosen for their expertise in the subject matter to be addressed. As the agenda firms up, it will be made available online along with an opportunity to register. Watch for future communiqués on this timely and informative event, but for NOW – mark November 30th on your calendar!!!
Kathryn R. Simon
CENDI Technical Support
c/o Information International Associates, Inc.
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Jill Oneill Director, Communication and Planning
1518 Walnut Street, Suite 1004
Philadelphia, PA 19102-3403
(215) 893-1561 Voice
(215) 893-1564 Fax
CENDI, the Federal STI Managers Group, was formally created in 1985 when a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by four charter U.S. government agencies (Commerce, Energy, NASA, and Defense). From this small core of STI managers, CENDI has grown to its current membership of 12 major science agencies involved in the dissemination and long-term management of scientific and technical information.
Founded in 1958, the National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS™) is a global, non-profit membership organization serving all those who create, aggregate, organize, and otherwise provide ease of access to and effective navigation and use of authoritative, credible information. To improve member capabilities and contribute to their ongoing success, NFAIS provides opportunities for education, advocacy, and a forum in which to address common interests.
The mission of the Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) is to foster excellence in federal library and information services through interagency cooperation and to provide guidance and direction for the Federal Library and Information network (FEDLINK).