Mailing List Message #113716
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Risk Mgt & Disaster Planning: Exec. Roundtable Report
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 15:20:30 -0500
A report of the CNI Executive Roundtable Risk Management & Disaster Planning, held at the CNI Fall 2011 Membership Meeting, is now available:

Increasingly, institutions are grappling with the reality that they must have good plans in place to quickly provide access to networks, IT services, and digital content if disaster strikes.  On-campus disruptions, including local violent acts or massive power outages, may precipitate the need to activate an emergency plan, or natural disasters may provide the impetus.  In addition, major disruptions or outages from commercial content providers or cloud services could have negative consequences for research projects and teaching and learning activities.  Outsourcing creates dependences that need to be identified, analyzed, and taken into account when managing risk.  What can institutions realistically plan for, and how can they assess the risks of locally provided content, cloud services, and content provided from vendors’ own systems?

Teams from 10 higher education institutions described their experiences, concerns, strategies, and future plans during a discussion of these and other issues that took place at the CNI Executive Roundtable in Arlington, VA on December 12, 2011.  

Held at CNI’s membership meetings, CNI Executive Roundtables bring together a group of campus partners, usually senior library and information technology leaders, to discuss a key digital information topic and its strategic implications.  The Roundtables build on the theme of collaboration that is at the foundation of the Coalition; they serve as a forum for frank, unattributed intra and inter-institutional dialogue on digital information issues and their organizational and strategic implications.  In addition, CNI uses Roundtable discussions to inform our ongoing program planning process.

We hope you find this report useful and we welcome your feedback; we intend to produce reports of future Executive Roundtables available on an ongoing basis.  For questions or comments related to CNI Executive Roundtables, please contact CNI Associate Executive Director Joan Lippincott at

Diane Goldenberg-Hart
Communications Coordinator
Coalition for Networked Information
21 Dupont Circle, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
202-872-0884 (Fax)

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