Mailing Lijst Bericht #113735
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Video: Paying for Long-Term Storage
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 11:00:35 -0400
Paying for Long-Term Storage, a project briefing session presented at CNI's fall 2011 membership meeting by David Rosenthal (LOCKSS Program, Stanford University), is now available on CNI's two video channels: 

Previously-released videos from CNI's fall 2011 meeting:
-An Overview of the National Science Foundation DataNet Funded Sustainable Environments-Actionable Data Project (Margaret Hedstrom, Robert H. McDonald)
-Online Video Creation by Undergraduates: Consequences for Media Literacy (Anu Vedantham, Renee Hobbs)
-Preservation Status of e-Resources: A Potential Crisis in Electronic Journal Preservation (Oya Y. Rieger, Robert Wolven)
-Five New Paradigms for Science & Academia & an Intro to DataOne (Closing Plenary, William Michener)
-Big Data Becomes Fashionable, Mobile Devices Reshape the Information Ecology: CNI’s View on 2011 and 2012 (Opening Plenary, Clifford Lynch)

All videos from CNI are available on CNI's video channels:  YouTube ( and Vimeo (  

Diane Goldenberg-Hart
Communications Coordinator
Coalition for Networked Information
21 Dupont Circle, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
202-872-0884 (Fax)

For the latest news & information:
Follow CNI:  @cni_org

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