Mailing List Message #113756
From: Clifford Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: 8th International Data Curation Conference, January 14-16, 2013, Amsterdam
Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 13:33:30 -0400
I'm delighted to share the announcement and call for papers for the 8th International Digital Curation Conference, which is being held in January 2013 (in recent years, it had been held in December) and to note that CNI is once again a co-sponsor of this outstanding meeting. Also, please note that this year the conference scope has been expanded substantially; previous meetings had placed a very strong emphasis on the curation of scientific data, while IDCC 2013 will look very broadly across the curation of data supporting all disciplines.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI


Infrastructure,Intelligence,Innovation:driving the Data Science agenda
8th International Digital Curation Conference 2013 (IDCC13)
14-16 January 2013
Mövenpick Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands
IDCC brings together those who create and manage data and information,
those who use it and those who research and teach about curation
processes. Our view of 'data' is a broad one - video games and virtual
worlds are of just as much interest as data from laboratory instruments
or field observation. Whether the information originates in the arts,
humanities, social or experimental sciences the issues faced are
cross-disciplinary. Digital curators maintain, preserve, and add value
to digital information throughout its life, reducing threats to its
long-term value, mitigating the risk of digital obsolescence, and
enhancing the potential for reuse for all purposes. If you are a
curator, if you teach or train future curators, or if you depend on them
for your work, IDCC is for you.

Call for Papers
The IDCC11 Programme Committee invites submissions to the 8th
International Digital Curation Conference that reflect our conference theme.
Our theme recognises that in recent years there has been an explosion in
the amount of data available, whether from tweets to blogs, data from
sensors through to "citizen science", government data, health and genome
data and social survey data. Technology allows us to treat as 'data'
content which would not once have merited the term - recordings of
speech or song, video of dance or theatre or animal behaviour - and to
treat as quantitative what once could only be qualitative. There are
challenges in finding data and making it findable, in the ability to use
it effectively, to take and understand data, to process, to analyse and
extract value from data , to visualize data and then to communicate the
stories behind it.
This process is now being termed data science. It is being used across
sectors to describe a wide range of data activities in the commercial,
government and academic sectors dealing with information whose primary
purpose is often not research-related. Activities are not
discipline-specific; in fact data science is being described in some
quarters as a new discipline.

The Call for Papers including a list of topics can be found at:-
Submissions will be accepted from 4 June 2012

Sent on behalf of IDCC13 Programme Committee
Co-chaired by Kevin Ashley - Director of the Digital Curation Centre
(DCC), Liz Lyon - Associate Director of the DCC and Clifford Lynch,
Executive Director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
Bridget Robinson
Information Officer
DCC Community Development
UKOLN, University of Bath
Bath BA2 7AY
Tel: + 44 (0) 1225 383343
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