The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) invites subscribers to cni-announce to vote on the selection of the content anchors for its 2013 Annual Meeting <http://www.educause.edu/eli/events>
Please vote at http://tinyurl.com/elianchors
Every year, the ELI consults with the community to identify these content anchors. These anchors play a major role in determining the content of the ELI Annual Meeting as they will guide the selection of presentations, the solicitation of presenters, and the topic areas for general and featured session speakers. We use them to help us organize other ELI events such as webinars and focus sessions.
We also think that this crowd-sourced list represents an important consensus across the community about what’s of foremost importance in our profession. We will share the results of the voting back to this list.
The survey is super short, so please participate! Deadline is close of business May 11th.