Mailing List Message #113790
From: Clifford Lynch <>
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Subject: PASIG meeting, Dublin Ireland, Oct 16-19
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2012 07:45:40 -0400
PASIG meeting, Dublin Ireland, Oct 16-19
PASIG, the Preservation and Access Special Interest Group, is meeting in Dublin, Ireland on October 16-18, 2012. Here's the latest information on the conference. I'll be doing a plenary talk on the morning of the last day.

Note that early registration is about to end.  My apologies for not getting this announcement out sooner.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI


Below is the semi-final draft of the PASIG Dublin agenda.
We have a solid group of committed speakers and will publish a more detailed agenda with presentation titles and abstracts within the next week.

The Early Bird Special registration cost is $250 and lasts through September 5.
The price after September 5 is $375. The event registration is at A limited block of rooms at a preferential price has been reserved at the event location, The Gresham Hotel, on a first-come first-serve basis. There is still some availability in the negotiated block of rooms.  

Pre-conference Workshops:
A free Oracle Technology Day will take place on Tuesday, October 16. This is full-day event and is open to Oracle customers, prospects, employees, and partners. There is also a free TIMBUS Workshop (resilient business processes) being offered on Tuesday. Agenda details for both meetings are at the bottom of this email. You can register on the PASIG registration site.

Literature Tables and Posters: Non-profit organizations should contact me asap if you want a literature table or poster spot. Space is limited. Additionally, we have several tabletop spaces for 'New Exhibitor' commercial companies. New-to-PASIG companies can get both a table for literature and a registration spot for $400. But these spots are limited and must be approved. Email

We would like to thank University College Dublin, the sponsors - Oracle, Tessella, and Microsoft Research - for their advice and support. I would also like to thank the associated organizations - DPC, PrestoCentre, Open Planets Foundation, CLIR, ASIS&T - for continued guidance and support.
  PASIG Dublin Draft Agenda

Tuesday, Oct. 16 - Optional Workshops (Session Details at bottom of email)

I. Oracle Technology Day 9 AM - 5 PM

II. TIMBUS Working Group 9 AM - 5 PM

Welcome Reception sponsored by University College Dublin - 6:30pm

PASIG Day 1: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

7:30 AM

9:00 AM
Bootcamp Welcome

Digital Preservation Bootcamp
Training in concepts, issues, tools, strategies & approaches for Digital Preservation and Archiving. This half day block of training sessions will focus on an introduction to the field and needs in digital preservation, and give attendees a foundation of concepts, terminology, standards and tools used broadly in the field. This half day of "Digital Preservation 101" is open to practitioners of all levels, but will be targeted specifically for those looking to gain exposure to the field.

- Art Pasquinelli, Oracle - Introduction to PASIG 
- William Kilbride, Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC)
- Tom Cramer, Stanford - Digital Preservation in Theory and in Practice
- Angela Dappert, Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) - Preservation Metadata
- Tessella - Understanding Requirements and Implementation from a Vendor Perspective 

Registration & Lunch

1:00 PM  PASIG Begins
PASIG Welcome

1:15 PM 
Long-term Digital Preservation Storage Futures
A state-of-the-art review of storage technology and industry trends with
a focus on applying these developments to the unique needs of digital
preservation and archiving, and systems at scale.

- Chris Wood,  Senior Product & Solutions Development Specialist, Oracle, Author - Cloud and Storage Service Offerings
- Gary Francis, Senior Director, Storage, Oracle  - Storage Futures
- Open Q&A  

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

3:00 PM
Preservation Research, Breakthroughs and Futures
Current developments and trends in digital preservation research and practice; an opportunity to engage in technology transfer from
researchers to practitioners and industry.

- Bram Van der Werf, Open Planets Foundation (OPF) - Connecting the Dots, SCAPE and Other Projects
- Angela Dappert, Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) - TIMBUS, Preserving Business Processes   
- Stanford U. - Digital Preservation Network (DPN) 
- Stacy Kowalczyk, U. Indiana - Trident Preservation Workflow System     

4:30 - 5:15 PM
Keynote: Charles Henry, Council for Library and Information Resources (CLIR) 
7:30 PM Evening Reception and Dinner at the Hotel

PASIG Day 2: Thursday, October 18, 2012

9:00 AM
Preservation & Archiving Architectures and Operations: Practitioners Knowledge Exchange
Structured presentation and comparison of preservation systems design and operation. Detailed overviews of PASIG community members' systems, operating practices, and lessons learned.

- Ed Fey, Digital Library Manager, London School of Economics, London School of Economics Policy and Organization
- Matthew Addis, IT Innovation - LOTAR Overview and Developments
- Jay Gattuso, New Zealand National Library - Droid, Pronom Developments

10:00 - 10:30 AM

10:30 AM
Lightning Talks
Participatory presentations on late breaking developments, compelling breakthroughs or burning issues from the PASIG Community 

11:30 AM
BREAK / Poster Session Mixer


12:45 PM
Preservation of Digital Audiovisual Media (recurring PASIG session)
Organized by the PrestoCentre Foundation

- Introduction (PrestoCentre)
- IT Innovation - Modelling and simulation of different storage strategies and automated system management
- Ernst van Velzen, Maaike de Bie (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision) - Implementing a Trusted Digital Repository
- Joanneum Research - Metadata mapping and validation and on visual quality analysis
- Walter Allasia (EURIX) - Standardization initiatives in digital audiovisual preservation

2:45 PM

3:00 PM
Deep Dive: Cost of Archiving--Current Practices & Experts Panel
A structured presentation from current preservation service providers on their charges and cost models, along with the most research in this field.  

- Stephen Abrams, California Digital Library
- Neil Grindley, JISC  
- Neil Beagrie - UK Data Services Studies
- Matthew Addis, IT Innovation - Cost Model for Forever Storage

4:30 PM
Cloud-based Preservation: Point / Counter-Point
Cloud-based preservation services have sparked plenty of recent debate, with ardent supporters and detractors taking both sides of the discussion. This session will feature a brief presentations on current examples of cloud-based preservation services (full vs. partial services, commercial vs. private, national vs. international), and then a panel discussion on where and when cloud makes sense, where it doesn't, and gaps that must be closed / questions that must be answered in this space.

- Natasha Milic-Freyling, Microsoft Research 
- Tessella - Reality of Cloud Computing   
- Jonathan Markow - DuraCloud  
- Peter O'Halloran, Irish HEAnet

6:30 PM
Reception (Out of Hotel) - Dinner on your own

PASIG Day 3: Friday, October 19, 2012

9:00 AM
Keynote: Cliff Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)

9:45 AM
Architecting for Preservation at Scale
Certain types of archives demand a scale that stretches the capacity of many current preservation repositories. This session will focus on cases studies of how three different domains have responded to scaling demands: Web Archiving, Media, and Research Data.

- Thomas Ledoux, Bibliotheque nationale de France
- Neil Jefferies, Oxford U. - Research Data Management
- Jason Pierson, Family Search    

10:45 AM - 11:15 AM

11:15 AM
Trends and Developments - Interactive Discussion

Bram will summarize the conference discussions and move this into a panel discussion on future developments. Much recent work has been done in the space of emulation that challenges the conventional wisdom on file format characterization, virtualization, and migration. This session will focus present on some of these developments, especially as they apply to forensic processing of legacy files and media, and explore the implications for characterization and long-term access strategies.

- Bram Van der Werf, Open Planets Foundation
- Chris Wood, Oracle
- Tom Cramer, Stanford U.
12:15 PM
Wrap Up and Adjoun

PASIG Steering Committee Futures Discussion

Workshops (followed by Opening UCD Reception)

I. Optional Oracle Technology Day, Tuesday, October 16, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Draft Agenda)

This day is focused on giving customers, prospects, solution partners, and consulting organizations a full understanding of Oracle technologies related to Long-term Archiving and Preservation. It is complimentary to the broader presentations given in the PASIG. A high degree of audience participation is expected including several customer project overviews.

8:00 AM - 9:00 PM - Registration
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM - Introduction, Oracle in Preservation and Archiving - Art Pasquinelli, Director, Oracle
9:30 AM - 9:50 AM - Tiered Storage Architectures: Using Storage Archive Manager (SAM) - Tom Wultich, Director, Oracle
9:50 AM - 10:10 AM - SAM Product Update - Bob Raymond, Senior Engineering Manager, Oracle
10:10 AM - 10:30 AM - Q&A
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM - BREAK
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM - StorageTek Tape Overview - Gary Francis, Senior Director, Storage, Oracle
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Moderated Customer Session - Bibliotheque nationale de France, audience participation
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM - LUNCH
2:00 PM - 2:25 PM Tape Analytics and Libraries - Michael O'Donnell, Director, Oracle
2:25 PM - 2:45 PM LTFS (Linear Tape File System) Review and Discussion - Scott Allen, Senior Product Manager, Oracle
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM BREAK
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM Disk and Cloud Storage - Chris Wood, Senior Director, Ken Raskin, Director, Oracle
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Lifecycle Content Management Solution - Donna Harland, Principal Product Manager, Oracle
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM - Q&A

PASIG Opening Reception Follows Workshop

II. TIMBUS Training Day

A free Training Day on Digital Preservation of Business Processes will take place on Tuesday, October 16 supported by the TIMBUS project. This full-day event is open to any interested party on first-come-first serve basis.

The TIMBUS project addresses the challenge of digital preservation of business processes and services to ensure their long-term continued access. TIMBUS analyses and recommends which aspects of a business process should be preserved and how to preserve them. It delivers methodologies and tools to capture and formalise business processes on both technical and organisational levels. This includes preservation of their underlying software infrastructure, virtualization of their hardware infrastructure and capture of dependencies on local and third-party services and information. This means that, in addition to technical preservation metadata, it draws on metadata standards that capture business processes, such as BPMN, and is identifying forms of supporting business documentation needed to redeploy processes and services.

The draft agenda is as follows:
*    Introduction to Digital Preservation of Business Processes
*    Context information, Metadata & Reasoning   
*    Risk Management in Digital Preservation   
*    Business Continuity Management       
*    Interactive Demo on Business Continuity Management
*    Infrastructure, Architecture and Storage   
*    Legal issues of Digital Preservation       
*    In-depth study on Legal Issues   
The TIMBUS Project is co-funded by the European Union under FP7 ICT-2009-6 (Grant Agreement no. 269940).
Please see for more event details.

Please, note that a charge of ¤40.00 will apply for no-shows or cancellations within 48 hours of the event.
To RSVP for this optional event, please check the box on the PASIG registration form for this optional event.

Questions on this optional meeting can be directed to
PASIG Opening Reception Follows Workshop
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