Mailing Lijst Bericht #113857
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: EDUCAUSE Webinar on Lib/IT Support for Digital Scholarship
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2013 12:26:59 -0500
The EDUCAUSE discussion group on Library/IT Collaborations, in which I've been a longtime participant, are hosting a webinar on support of digital scholarship.  They have an excellent roster of speakers.
Joan Lippincott
Library and IT collaboration in support of digital scholarship: How and where do we even get started?

Please join us for a webinar on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 1 PM EDT to begin a community exploration of this question concerning ways libraries and IT departments can work together in support of digital scholarship efforts on our campuses. A panel of four experienced practitioners representing of a variety of organizations - from research institutions to liberal arts colleges - will informally share their experiences and answer questions from attendees. Our hope is to synthesize ideas and get ideas for next steps at the conclusion.

Presenters are:
  • Glen Bunton, Director of Library Technologies and Systems, University of South Carolina
  • Karen Estlund, Head of the Digital Scholarship Center, University of Oregon
  • Rob Nelson, Director of the Digital Scholarship Lab, University of Richmond
  • Stewart Varner, Digital Scholarship Coordinator, Emory University

Every institution is different in culture and organization, so while there will be no single path for all of us to follow, the themes of innovation and transformation in higher education embraced by digital scholarship must be supported. This webinar proposes to be a first step in empowering all of us to become local champions of these activities.

This free event, coordinated by members of the EDUCAUSE Library/IT Collaborations interest group and kindly supported by Oregon State University, is open to anyone interested in hearing about or sharing experiences on the topic of library/IT collaborations in digital scholarship. Registration is not necessary - at the time of the event, use any browser and head to the following link:

We hope you'll join us.

Kevin Butterfield, University Librarian, University of Richmond
Chris Kemp, Head, Digital Library Services, University of Richmond
Nikki Reynolds, Director of Instructional Technology Support Services, Hamilton College
Beth Secrist, Program Officer for IT Services, ARL
Stewart Varner, Digital Scholarship Coordinator, Emory University
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