Mailing Lijst Bericht #113860
From: Clifford Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: PASIG Meeting, Washington, DC May 22-24, 2013
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2013 17:55:30 -0500
PASIG Meeting, Washington, DC May 22-24, 2013
I wanted to share this announcement from Tom Cramer on the upcoming May PASIG meeting, which will be held in Washington, DC.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI


Registration for the next PASIG meeting, May 22-24, 2013, is now open. A full version of the still-evolving agenda, is below. Please use the PASIG 2013 link below to register for the event, pre-meeting workshops, and the limited block of rooms at the Washington Court Hotel.

The early bird special conference rate is $345.00 prior to April 12 and $395.00 afterwards. If you want to contribute or sponsor, please contact Art Pasquinelli ( and Tom Cramer ( asap.

There will be at least two pre-conference meetings:

  • A free Oracle Technology Day will take place on Tuesday, May 21. This is a full-day event and is open to Oracle customers, prospects, employees, and partners. It will focus on Oracle a) products relevant to PASIG attendees, b) positioning, c) tiered architectures, d) Big Data, records, and unstructured content management solutions, and e) database features for permanent access.

  • A half-day member meeting of the Digital Preservation Network (DPN), will offer DPN Members and other interested parties the opportunity to drill down into the network's emerging architecture and service model.

PASIG Washington, DC Agenda (Version 2)

Tuesday, May 21 - Optional Training Sessions 
I. Oracle Technology Day - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
II. DPN Collaboration Half-Day -  1:00 PM- 5 PM

PASIG Day 1: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 

8:00 AM

8:30 AM
Digital Preservation Bootcamp -- Optional Session
Training in concepts, issues, tools, strategies & approaches for Digital Preservation and Archiving. This half day block of training sessions will focus on an introduction to the field and needs in digital preservation, and give attendees a foundation of concepts, terminology, standards and tools used broadly in the field. This half day of "Digital Preservation 101" is open to practitioners of all levels, but will be targeted specifically for those looking to gain exposure to the field.

- Digital Preservation 101: The Theory and Practice -- Tom Cramer, Stanford University
- Best Practices in Preserving Common Content Types
        -  Images: Robert Buckley, University of Rochester
        -  Media: Kara Van Malssen, AudioVisual Preservation Solutions
        -  Office documents: Jay Gattuso, New Zealand National Library (tbc)
-  Design Principles for Digital Preservation Systems - Speaker to be confirmed

Registration & Lunch

1:00 PM
PASIG Begins: Welcome
- Welcome & Introduction to PASIG -- Art Pasquinelli, Director, Digital Libraries, Repositories, and Preservation, Oracle
- Agenda Review and Invitation to Participate -- Tom Cramer, Stanford University

1:15 PM
Long-term Digital Preservation Storage Futures 
A state-of-the-art review of storage technology and industry trends with a focus on applying these developments to the unique needs of digital preservation and archiving, and systems at scale. This session will feature a nuts-and-bolts review of the realities of integrating with cloud-based stores for digital preservation systems: what are the realities of getting content in, managing it once there, and then getting it out again. 

- A Report on the Annual Library of Congress Storage Meeting
- Storage Trends [includes LTFS] - Chris Wood, Senior Product & Solutions Development Specialist, Oracle, Author -
- Working with Cloud Store API's: S3, Open Stack, CDMI, Glacier...
- Open Q&A

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

3:00 PM
Preservation Research, Breakthroughs and Futures 
Current developments and trends in digital preservation research and practice; an opportunity to engage in technology transfer from researchers to practitioners and industry.

- Database Preservation and Reuse - Kevin Jernigan, Sr. Director Product Management, Oracle
- The Digital Preservation Network (DPN): Architecture and Preservation Services in a National Network
- IASA-OK: International Association for Sound and AV Archives - Organizing Knowledge Initiative - Guy Marechal
- Connecting the Dots: SCAPE and Other Projects Emerging from the EU

4:30 - 5:30 PM
Introductions, Matchmaking & Breakout Scheduling
"Minute Madness" introductions of attendees (optional), laying out who is participating in the meeting, what they're hoping to get out of the meeting, and some on-the-fly matchmaking of attendees with like interests.

6:00 PM
Evening Reception

PASIG Day 2: Thursday, May 23, 2013

9:00 AM
Preservation & Archiving Architectures and Operations: Practitioners Knowledge Exchange.
Structured presentation and comparison of preservation systems design and operation. Detailed overviews of PASIG community members' systems, operating practices, and lessons learned, with an emphasis on digital preservation from different vertical domains (e.g., education, research, energy, health care, aerospace, etc.)
- Major League Baseball Advanced Media -- Dirk Van Dall, VP
- Rock & Roll Hall of Fame - Adam Wead (TBC)
- 3rd session to be confirmed

10:15 AM - 10:45 AM

10:45 AM
Lightning Talks 
Participatory presentations on late breaking developments, compelling breakthroughs or burning issues from the PASIG Community

11:30 AM
BREAK / Poster Session Mixer


1:00 PM
Domain Deep Dive: Media Preservation
An exploration into the unique requirements and successful strategies of media preservation. The long-term preservation of digital audiovisual media presents a range of complex technological, organisational, and standards-related issues. This recurring PASIG session organized by the PrestoCentre Foundation, will focus on research efforts, technological solutions and practical challenges in audiovisual preservation. The session targets both media owners and service providers.

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

3:00 PM
Deep Dive: Fixity Best Practices
Fixity services are fundamental to digital preservation-they underpin bit level preservation. Proven best practices in fixity auditing and repair are much harder to identify, though, and best practices vary based on storage media (disk, tape or cloud). This panel will give an overview of different approaches and identify best practices best on actual operating experiences.
(4x12 min with 12 min discussion)

-    Facilitator: Tom Creighton
-    Mike Smorul, UMD
-    Tom Wultich, Director, Tape Product Marketing, Oracle

4:00 PM
Emulation & Virtualization as Digital Preservation Strategies
Format migration dominated the early years of digital preservation planning. Virtualization technology made leaps and bounds in the last decade, though, and leveraging emulation for digital preservation has moved from a theoretical possibility to a practical reality by a few pioneering institutions. This presentation set will provide a 1.) demonstration of emulation in action, 2.) overview the track record of developments (especially from Europe) on emulation-for-preservation frameworks, and 3.) explore current efforts and emerging opportunities in emulation for all practitioners.
-  Facilitator: Bram Van Der Werf
-  Speakers TBA

Day 3: Friday, October 19, 2012
9:00 AM
Federal Initiatives in Digital Preservation
This panel will review the current practices at three major federal institutions in digital preservation, and provide a thought on where each is going individually, and the direction of digital preservation on a national scale. With invited speakers from the Library of Congress, the National Science Foundation and the Smithsonian.

10:15 AM - 10:45 AM

10:45 AM
Preservation of Research Data
Demonstration of current live projects of preserving research data in action.
12:00 PM Adjourn

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