Mailing Lijst Bericht #113868
From: Clifford Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Meetings on Public Access to Research Outputs, April 14-17, National Academies
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 17:03:00 -0400
Meetings on Public Access to Research Outputs, April 14-17
Following up on the February 2013 White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Memo on increasing public access th the outputs of federally funded research -- both publications and datasets -- the National Academies are hosting a pair of meetings (one on publications, on April 14-15, and one on data, on April 16-17). The announcement, which includes a link to background information and registration pages, is below. Note that the meetings are free but advance registration is necessary. The meetings will also be webcast.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI


Dear Colleagues,
A group of sponsoring agencies has requested that DBASSE organize two public meetings at which all stakeholder groups who wish to be heard may present their thoughts in brief form.
The topics of these meetings are directly related to the 22 February memorandum from the Office of Science and Technology Policy entitled "Increasing access to the results of federally funded scientific research".
The purpose of the brief verbal or written contributions is to present ideas to the federal agencies for moving forward in a positive direction toward accomplishing the goals set forth in the OSTP memo.
The announcement of the meetings, with links to the registration site for each one and the list of sponsoring agencies, can be found here:  Both meetings are open and  free to the public, but registration is required.
We invite you to attend these meetings, and would also be grateful if you would circulate this information to any contacts you may have who have an interest in Public Access to Federally-Supported Research and Development Data and Publications.
With gratitude for your assistance and very best regards,
Meredith A Lane, PhD
Project Director, Committee on Population
Keck Center, 500 Fifth St  NW, Washington, DC 20001
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