Mailing Lijst Bericht #113873
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Webinar: Emerging Technologies
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 09:22:35 -0400
I will be the keynote speaker at a webinar Emerging Technologies IV, on Friday, April 19, sponsored by the South Central Research Library Council of New York State.  Details on registration (for a small fee) are available at

Other speakers/topics include Maurice York describing technologies in the new Hunt Library at NC State University, and sessions on Makerspaces, Gamification, and Cloud Computing.

The webinar is open to all, not just to those in NY State.

Joan Lippincott


Joan K. Lippincott, Ph.D.

Associate Executive Director

Coalition for Networked Information

21 Dupont Circle, Suite 800

Washington, DC  20036


202-872-0884 (Fax)

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