Mailing Lijst Bericht #113876
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Center for Intellectual Property - UMUC - 2013-14
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 12:04:15 -0400
Here is the lineup for the UMUC Center for Intellectual Property workshops and courses - an impressive array.  Please contact the Center for additional details.
Joan Lippincott

***Apologies for Cross Postings***
Announcing: UMUC Center for Intellectual Property Professional Development Opportunities in 2013-2014


Fall 2013 Professional Certification:
Intellectual Property Management & Leadership (24 CEUs)
The Certificate is comprised of the eight-week Foundations course and one elective. The electives run annually during the months of January, June, and July ("J-Terms). All courses are faculty led, self-directed asynchronous courses conducted online with some synchronous options including guest chatters and office hours. The certification courses are open to members and non-members.  Please view the member and non-member pricing on the CIP website.


The Foundations in Copyright Management and Leadership course (IPNA 600);
This 8-week required course will be taught by Nancy Sims, JD, MLIS, Copyright Program Librarian, University of Minnesota, University Libraries
Overview: This foundations course provides an overview of copyright issues that impact higher education with a strong emphasis on copyright and fair use.
Dates: September 23, 2013 through November 8, 2013


Elective courses (2-week)
IPNA605--Global Intellectual Property Management: A study of the influence of international treaties and agreements (such as the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) on domestic law.
Dates: July 22-August 2, 2013
Faculty/Instructor: Rashmi Rangnath, LL.M, Director Global Knowledge, Public Knowledge


IPNA606--Intellectual Property Management (IPM) Best Practices: A study of leading best practice, bench marking and intellectual property management standards including a focus on Academic Intellectual Property Management Practices (Fair Use Best Practices and Copyright Literacy Standards).
Dates: June 17-28, 2013
Faculty/Instructor: Jeffrey Matsuura, JD, Of counsel Alliance Law Group LLP


IPNA609--Emerging Technology and IP: MOOCs and Beyond: Technology for online instruction is evolving quickly.
Dates: Sept. 23 -Oct 4, 2013
Faculty/Instructors: Stella Porto, PhD, Program Director Masters in Distance Education & E-Learning UMUC - Ilene Frank, LMS Director of Library Services,  The University of the People


Registration is now open for the Fall 2013 Certification Course and 2013-2014 Electives.


Community Conversation webinars
This series of free online conversations with Intellectual Property scholars and practitioners is open to members of the CIP Community. 
Faculty Focused Community Conversation 
Topic: Trademark & Higher Ed
When: Thursday, April 18, 2013; 4:00 pm eastern
Speaker: Erik Pelton, JD, founder and managing attorney of Erik M. Pelton & Associates, PLLC


CIP Members save 20% off the Certificate in Intellectual Property Management and LeadershipJoin today and save!  Register for a free Community Conversation webinar.   For more information contact Ms.  Delise DeFreitas at or (240) 684-2803.  The  CIP offers student, individual and institutional membership levels.  Discover new opportunities for IP Management  professional development and training at!   
Non-members can register for the Certification course and electives, but will not have access to the CIP member-only Community Conversations and Community Tools.


Camille Walker, MBA
Assistant Director of Development and Outreach
University of Maryland University College
Center for Intellectual Property
University Centre Room 202G | 4716 Pontiac | College Park, MD 20780
(240) 684-2964 office
(240) 684-2961 fax
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