Mailing Lijst Bericht #113877
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Video: Library as Research Platform
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 09:21:31 -0400
The Library Building as Research Platform, a project briefing session presented at CNI's spring 2013 member meeting by Kristin Antelman and Maurice York of NCSU Libraries, is now available on CNI's video channels:

This presentation introduces the technology vision behind the James B. Hunt Jr. Library, a new, 200,000 square foot building that opened in January 2013 at North Carolina State University (NCSU). The Hunt Library was designed to meet the challenge of re-envisioning library spaces as a platform for research. The library’s goal is to engage researchers across disciplines by deploying broadly applicable technologies such as large-scale visualization, high resolution and 3D imagery, and interactive computing. These core technologies are expressed in physical spaces such as Immersion Theater, Game Lab, Media Production Studios, Teaching & Visualization Lab, and Creativity Studio. Through an inherent ability to reconfigure, re-purpose, and interchange components and infrastructure, the building’s technology itself is designed to be an object of research, a sandbox for emerging technologies and a showcase for cutting edge applications. New segments of the faculty are engaging in deeper ways than ever before, including the launch of several research projects based around Hunt.
More information about this presentation is available at

Previously released video from CNI's spring 2013 meeting:
-From the Version of Record to a Version of the Record (Herbert Van de Sompel)

-The Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey US 2012: First Release of Key Findings (Deanna Marcum & Roger Schonfeld of Ithaka S+R, and Judy Russell, U. of Florida)

Look for more announcements soon on videos of other sessions from the spring 2013 CNI meeting. To see all videos available from CNI, visit CNI on YouTube ( and on Vimeo (

Diane Goldenberg-Hart
Communications Coordinator | CNI
202-296-5098 | |
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