Mailing Lijst Bericht #113878
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Video: Using & Google Site Search with Library Digital Collections
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 12:53:30 -0400
Discovery Turned Inside Out: Using and Google Site Search with Library Digital Collections, a project briefing session presented at CNI's spring 2013 member meeting by Will Sexton and Sean Aery of Duke University, is now available on CNI's video channels:

Duke University Libraries has begun embedding structured metadata within the source code of the Web pages that display the Libraries' digital collections, a practice that follows the recommendations of the initiative, an effort by commercial search engine developers to use structured data to enrich the user's experience. Duke's objectives in adopting relate both to the ways that an exterior service like Google might represent the institution's materials, and how the organization will offer services to researchers. Usage analysis suggests that systems outside of Duke's library, largely consisting of the commercial search tools, drive traffic to University collections, and the institution wants to increase its own systems' interoperability with them. Duke is also piloting a local instance of Google, via its Site Search API, with the potential to enhance and replace the discovery services offered to users. The library sees embedded structured data as a way to extend the impact of the time and resources spent on discovery tools for the content that it manages. 

Project Briefing Session
Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
Spring 2013 Membership Meeting
April 4-5, 2013
San Antonio, Texas

Previously released video from CNI's spring 2013 meeting:
-The Library Building as Research Platform (Antelman & York, NCSU)

-From the Version of Record to a Version of the Record (Herbert Van de Sompel)

-The Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey US 2012: First Release of Key Findings (Deanna Marcum & Roger Schonfeld of Ithaka S+R, and Judy Russell, U. of Florida)

Look for more announcements soon on videos of other sessions from the spring 2013 CNI meeting. To see all videos available from CNI, visit CNI on YouTube ( and on Vimeo (

Diane Goldenberg-Hart
Communications Coordinator | CNI
202-296-5098 | |
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