Mailing Lijst Bericht #113885
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Video: Annotating the World’s Knowledge
Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 10:00:15 -0400
To: <CNI-ANNOUNCE> Annotating the World’s Knowledge, a project briefing from CNI's spring 2013 member meeting by Peter Brantley, is now available on CNI's video channels:, a not-for-profit start-up, is building a reference implementation for open annotation that will be a distributed, open-source platform for the collaborative evaluation of information based on a new draft standard for annotating digital documents. It is currently being developed by the Open Annotation Collaboration, a consortium that includes the Internet Archive, NISO (National Information Standards Organization), O’Reilly Books, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and a number of academic institutions. This presentation includes discussion of the system under development, as well as a demonstration of some of its new tools, presented by scholarly communications director Peter Brantley. More information is at

Previously released video from CNI's spring 2013 meeting:

-Not Your Grandfather's Web Any More (David S.H. Rosenthal, Kris Carpenter Negulescu)

-IT@Cornell: Is It What We Imagined? (Dean Krafft, Cornell U.)

-Not Another Cross-Search Tool: The Digital Commons Network (JG Bankier, bepress)

-Publication and Research Roles for Libraries Using Spectral Imaging Data (Todd Grappone & Stephen Davison, UCLA)

-Discovery Turned Inside Out: Using & Google Site Search with Library Digital Collections (Will Sexton & Sean Aery)

-The Library Building as Research Platform (Antelman & York, NCSU)

-From the Version of Record to a Version of the Record (Herbert Van de Sompel)

-The Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey US 2012: First Release of Key Findings (Deanna Marcum & Roger Schonfeld of Ithaka S+R, and Judy Russell, U. of Florida)

Look for more announcements soon on videos of other sessions from the spring 2013 CNI meeting. To see all videos available from CNI, visit CNI on YouTube ( and on Vimeo (

Diane Goldenberg-Hart
Communications Coordinator | CNI
202-296-5098 | |

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