Mailing Lijst Bericht #113891
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Institute for Internet Culture, Policy, and Law
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 10:41:15 -0400
2013 ICPL offers cutting-edge perspectives on Internet culture
September 18–20, 2013, on the Cornell University campus
Accessibility, privacy, and intellectual property issues will be featured at this year's Cornell University Institute for Internet Culture, Policy, and Law.
The oldest information technology, law, and policy conference in the country, ICPL has broadened its reach to address rapidly evolving legal, policy, and social concerns related to Internet culture. After seventeen years, it remains the "go-to" conference for faculty, administrators, librarians and information technology professionals.
  • Lisa Sotto, Hunton & Williams, on information privacy and security on the global stage
  • Pamela Harris, John Cabot University in Rome, on Internet free speech from a cross-cultural perspective
  • Dan Goldstein, Counsel to the National Federation of the Blind, on accessibility and legal issues
  • Prue Adler, Senior Counsel for the Association of Research Libraries, on accessibility
  • Elisabetta Morani, John Cabot University in Rome, on international libraries of the future
  • Alan Fishel, Internet2 attorney for Net+ Services, on cloud services considerations
  • Pat McClary, Cornell University Associate Counsel, on contracting for cloud computing
  • Steve McDonald, General Counsel for the Rhode Island School of Design, on the latest intellectual property issues, including the Georgia State case wrap-up
  • Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Director of Scholarly Communication at the Modern Language Association, on accessibility and privacy issues
ICPL is an intimate intellectual environment. There are no concurrent or breakout sessions; everyone—speakers, facilitators, organizers, and participants—stays together for all sessions and activities. Organizers limit the number of participants to 50, allowing for meaningful, in-depth exploration of topics and the dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives.
Faculty, university administrators, academic librarians, and IT, legal, policy, and student life professionals are invited to debate, learn, and share ideas, experiences, and expertise during ICPL's three knowledge-packed days. For the full schedule, see
For more information or to register for ICPL 2013, visit, call 607.255.7259, or e-mail

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