Mailing Lijst Bericht #113969
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Evaluating Learning Spaces - ELI Seminar
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 10:24:50 -0500
Dear cni-announce subscribers:

I'll be co-facilitating a seminar "Evaluating Learning Spaces: Methods for Developing a Campus-Based Project" at the upcoming ELI (EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative) annual meeting with Joseph Cevetello, Director of Learning Environments at University of Southern California and J.D. Walker, Research Associate at University of Minnesota.   ELI has provided the means for us to develop a blended format, so that we will have an online pre-meeting for this seminar on January 22 and a follow-up webinar on March 3 as well as the half-day, in-person seminar at the ELI meeting in New Orleans on February 3.  We encourage campus team participation, especially for the webinar components.

The seminar will focus on methods for measuring the effectiveness of learning spaces, and on enabling participants to gain the knowledge needed to formulate research questions and choose appropriate methods in order to implement an effective and practical campus learning space evaluation project.  There are many opportunities for developing assessments of learning spaces and we will explore a wide range of alternatives for both classrooms and informal learning spaces.

Further information including how to register for the fee-based seminar are at:

Joan Lippincott
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