Mailing Lijst Bericht #113972
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Call for Proposals, CNI Spring Meeting
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 12:47:30 -0500
Proposals are now being accepted for project briefings to be presented at CNI's Spring 2014 CNI Membership Meeting on March 31-April 1 in St. Louis, MO, at The Ritz-Carlton.

Project briefings are 45-minute or one-hour sessions that focus on a discussion of a hot topic, or on a specific institutional/organizational project related to digital information. A limited number of project briefings are accepted. 

Proposals may be submitted via online form:

Deadline for submissions is Friday, February 14.

Follow this meeting on Twitter: #cni14s

Diane Goldenberg-Hart
Communications Coordinator | CNI
202-296-5098 | |
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