From: "Joan K. Lippincott" Sender: To: CNI-ANNOUNCE Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 23:57:30 -0500 Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: Received: from [] (HELO new-host.home) by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.4.9) with ESMTPS id 25535517 for; Wed, 22 Jan 2014 22:25:49 -0500 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Apple-Mail=_AC945577-825F-4C33-B64F-605ED818E94D" Subject: U. San Diego Digital Initiatives Symposium - Call for Proposals X-Original-Message-Id: X-Original-Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 22:25:48 -0500 X-Original-To: "" Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 6.6 \(1510\)) X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1510) --Apple-Mail=_AC945577-825F-4C33-B64F-605ED818E94D Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252 Our colleagues at the Copley Library, University of San Diego, are = offering a timely symposium, and the CNI constituency is invited to = submit proposals for a conference session. Details are below. --Joan Lippincott, CNI --------------------------- Call for Proposals: Digital Initiatives Symposium =20 When: April 9, 2014 Where: University of San Diego Registration: = 331 =20 Proposals are now being accepted for the first annual Digital = Initiatives Symposium, a day-long event focused on digital elements of = library ecosystems and featuring a bepress Digital Commons user group = meeting, hosted by Copley Library at the University of San Diego. =20 The symposium's inaugural year will focus on digital initiatives and = institutional repositories. With the growing popularity of institutional = repositories, libraries are looking for new and increasingly diverse = ways to integrate them more fully into library and university systems: = as platforms for library publishing, as components of research data = management plans, and as part of long-term preservation solutions. =20 We are accepting proposals for 45-minute concurrent sessions and 1=BD-hour= panel discussions. We welcome proposals on innovative uses and sites = for repositories throughout the library and the university, and on = practical, theoretical, organizational or administrative topics related = to institutional repositories. We are particularly interested in = sessions that consider =20 =B7 Innovative, =93non-traditional,=94 or expanded repository = services=20 =B7 Integrating repositories into other library initiatives, = digital or otherwise =B7 Integrating repositories into university initiatives outside = the library (e.g., managing ETD workflows through repositories) =B7 Liaison librarians, disciplines, and institutional = repositories =B7 Repositories as tools for research and pedagogy =B7 Repositories in public, special, or other non-academic = libraries =B7 Institutional repositories and the scholarly communication = lifecycle =B7 Digital initiatives and copyright =20 Submission Guidelines and Selection Criteria =20 Panel discussions: 90 minutes Concurrent sessions (case studies, white papers, demonstrations, or = panels): 45 minutes Please plan to leave 10-15 minutes for questions. =20 Submissions must include: =B7 Session title =B7 Presenters=92 names, titles, and affiliations =B7 A brief abstract, no more than 300 words (If accepted, the = abstract will be used as part of the program and published along with = conference proceedings.) =B7 A longer description of the session, approximately 500 words =B7 A brief statement on learning outcomes for the session =B7 Technology or other requirements =20 Submissions will be evaluated based on the relevance of the topic and = potential to advance thinking about digital initiatives and = institutional repositories. Acceptance is competitive. Registration will = be waived for accepted presenters. =20 More about the Program =20 =B7 The day will feature two panel discussions and a number of = concurrent sessions to explore these and other questions about = institutional repositories. We welcome participants from all sizes and = types of institutions and at all stages of IR development, from those = running robust programs to those just exploring the idea of = repositories. =20 =B7 The symposium will feature two keynote addresses: Lorraine Haricombe, Dean of the University of Kansas Libraries Lee Van Orsdel, Dean of University Libraries at Grand Valley State = University =20 =B7 The day will end with a bepress Digital Commons user group = session. This session will be led by bepress and is intended for people = already working with Digital Commons and those interested in learning = more. =20 Submit proposals and questions to Kelly Riddle, Digital Initiatives = Librarian at the University of San Diego, at or = 619-260-6850. =20 Important Dates =20 January 27, 2014: Proposal submission deadline February 15, 2014: Notification of acceptance February 20, 2014: Selected presenters must confirm presentations March 15, 2014: Registration deadline =20= --Apple-Mail=_AC945577-825F-4C33-B64F-605ED818E94D Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252
Our colleagues at = the Copley Library, University of San Diego, are offering a timely = symposium, and the CNI constituency is invited to submit proposals for a = conference session.  Details are below.
--Joan = Lippincott, CNI
Call for Proposals: Digital Initiatives = Symposium
When: April 9, = 2014
Where: University of San = Diego
=B7=B7=B7=B7Liaison = librarians, disciplines, and institutional = repositories

=B7=B7=B7=B7Digital = initiatives and copyright

Submission = Guidelines and Selection Criteria
Panel discussions: 90 = minutes
Concurrent sessions (case studies, white = papers, demonstrations, or panels): 45 = minutes
Please plan to leave 10-15 minutes for = questions.
Submissions must = include:

=B7Session = title

=B7=B7A brief = abstract, no more than 300 words (If accepted, the abstract will be used = as part of the program and published along with conference = proceedings.)

=B7A longer = description of the session, approximately 500 = words

=B7A brief = statement on learning outcomes for the session

=B7Technology = or other requirements

Submissions will = be evaluated based on the relevance of the topic and potential to = advance thinking about digital initiatives and institutional = repositories. Acceptance is competitive. Registration will be waived for = accepted presenters.
More about the = Program

=B7The day = will feature two panel discussions and a number of concurrent sessions = to explore these and other questions about institutional repositories. = We welcome participants from all sizes and types of institutions and at = all stages of IR development, from those running robust programs to = those just exploring the idea of repositories.

=B7The = symposium will feature two keynote addresses:

Lorraine = Haricombe, Dean of the University of Kansas = Libraries
Lee Van Orsdel, = Dean of University Libraries at Grand Valley State = University

=B7The day = will end with a bepress Digital Commons user group session. This session = will be led by bepress and is intended for people already working with = Digital Commons and those interested in learning = more.

Important = Dates
January 27, 2014: = Proposal submission deadline
February 15, 2014: = Notification of acceptance
February 20, 2014: Selected = presenters must confirm presentations
March 15, 2014: = Registration deadline