Mailing Lijst Bericht #113992
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Video: Internet Identity Update
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 12:20:00 -0500
A new video of a project briefing session from CNI's fall 2013 meeting is now available:

Internet Identity Update: From Social to Scholar
Kenneth Klingenstein (Internet2)

This presentation provides an update on Internet identity and its interactions with the research and evaluation community. Several key developments are shared, including Social-to-SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) gateways, scholarly identity, federal initiatives such as National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC), application categories such as research and scholarship, privacy managers, international collaboration platforms, and other topics of interest to the CNI community.

A video of the presentation is now online at 

Look for more announcements soon of videos of other sessions from the fall 2013 CNI meeting. To see all videos available from CNI, visit CNI's video channels on YouTube ( and Vimeo (  

Diane Goldenberg-Hart
Communications Coordinator | CNI
202-296-5098 | |

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