In From Fragmentation to Reaggregation: Revealing a “Virtual” Medieval Library with Manuscriptlink, Eric Johnson of The Ohio State University describes Manuscriptlink, a new digital humanities initiative that aims
to reconstruct a “virtual” medieval library by collaborating with
collections around the world to re-aggregate hundreds, if not thousands,
of previously lost medieval volumes. The project will foster active
interdisciplinary cooperation across the humanities as well as
collaboration among numerous international institutions. Available on Vimeo ( and YouTube (
A project designed to quantify temporal elements of the narrative structure of films, television shows, and texts, is the subject of Nora Dimmock's presentation
Visualizing Temporal Narrative. The collaboration between the library's Digital Humanities Center and University of Rochester English Professor Joel Burges involves developing tools for data visualization and collection, and completing a digital project under the direction of Burges and Dimmock, who co-teach the semester-long class. Available on Vimeo ( and YouTube (