From: "Diane Goldenberg-Hart" Sender: To: CNI-ANNOUNCE Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:50:00 -0500 Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: Received: from [] (account HELO new-host-2.home) by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 6.0.9) with ESMTPSA id 27730287 for; Sun, 23 Nov 2014 16:25:39 -0500 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-4-384074753 Subject: CALL for Proposals: Tenth International Conference on Open Repositories 2015 X-Original-Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 16:25:38 -0500 References: X-Original-To: CNI-ANNOUNCE -- News from the Coalition X-Original-Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v1085) X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1085) --Apple-Mail-4-384074753 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 CNI is pleased to serve again this year as a cooperating organization = for the Open Repositories (OR) Conference. Read it online: Text only version: The Tenth International Conference on Open Repositories, OR2015, will be = held on June 8-11, 2015 in Indianapolis (Indiana, USA). The organizers = are pleased to invite you to contribute to the program. This year's = conference theme is:=20 LOOKING BACK, MOVING FORWARD: OPEN REPOSITORIES AT THE CROSSROADS OR2015 is the tenth OR conference, and this year's overarching theme = reflects that milestone: Looking Back/Moving Forward: Open Repositories = at the Crossroads. It is an opportunity to reflect on and to celebrate = the transformative changes in repositories, scholarly communication and = research data over the last decade. More critically however, it will = also help to ensure that open repositories continue to play a key role = in supporting, shaping and sharing those changes and an open agenda for = research and scholarship. OR2015 will provide an opportunity to explore the demands and roles now = expected of both repositories and the staff who develop, support and = manage them - and to prepare them for the challenges of the next decade. = We welcome proposals on this theme, but also on the theoretical, = practical, organizational or administrative topics related to digital = repositories. We are particularly interested in: 1. Supporting Open Scholarship, Open Science, and Cultural Heritage = Online Papers are invited to consider how repositories can best support the = needs of open science, open scholarship, and cultural heritage to make = research as accessible as possible, including: * Open access, open data and open educational resources * Scholarly workflows, publishing and communicating scientific knowledge * Compliance with funder mandates * Considerations for cultural heritage and digital humanities resources 2. Managing Research (and Open) Data Papers are invited to consider how repositories can support the needs of = research data. Areas of interest are: * Data registries * Storage * Curation lifecycle management * Management and digital preservation tools 3. Integrating with External Systems Papers are invited to explore, evaluate, or demonstrate integration with = external systems, including: * CRIS and research management systems * Notification systems (e.g. SHared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE)) * Remote identifier services (e.g. ORCID, DOI, etc.) * Preservation services * Archival systems (e.g. CALM or Archivists' Toolkit) 4. Re-using Repository Content Papers are invited to showcase how repository content can be re-used in = the context of: * Discipline-based repositories and services * Discovery services * Integration of semantic technologies * Repository networks 5. Exploring Metrics and Assessment Papers are invited to present experiences on scholarly metrics and = assessment services, particularly: * Bibliometrics * Downloads (e.g. COUNTER compliance) * Analytics * Altmetrics 6. Managing Rights Papers are invited to examine the role of rights management in the = context of open repositories, including: * Research and scholarly communication outputs * Licenses (e.g. Creative Commons, Open Data Commons) * Embargoes * Requirements of funder mandates 7. Developing and Training Staff Papers are invited to consider the evolving role of staff who support = and manage repositories across libraries, cultural heritage = organizations, research offices and computer centres, especially:=20 * New roles and responsibilities * Training needs and opportunities * Career path and recruitment * Community support 8. Building the Perfect Repository Papers are invited to look ahead to OR16 and beyond to consider what the = perfect repository looks like: * Key features and services * Who would be its users? * How would it transform scholarly communication? * What lessons have been learned since the first OR? * Or, is it a pipe dream and there's no such thing? Submissions that demonstrate original and repository-related work = outwith these themes will be considered, but preference will be given to = submissions which address them. KEY DATES 30 January 2015: Deadline for submissions and Scholarship Programme = applications 27 March 2015: Submitters notified of acceptance to general conference 10 April 2015: Submitters notified of acceptance to Interest Groups 8-11 June 2015: OR2015 conference SUBMISSION PROCESS Conference Papers and Panels Two to four-page proposals for presentations or panels that deal with = digital repositories and repository services (see below for optional = Proposal Templates). Abstracts of accepted papers will be made available = through the conference's web site, and later they and associated = materials will be made available in an open repository. In general, = sessions will have three papers; panels may take an entire session. = Relevant papers unsuccessful in the main track will automatically be = considered for inclusion, as appropriate, as an Interest Group = presentation, poster or 24/7. Interest Group Presentations The opportunity to engage with and learn more about the work of relevant = communities of interest is a key element of Open Repositories. One to = two page proposals are invited for presentations or panels that focus on = the work of such communities, traditionally DSpace, EPrints and Fedora, = describing novel experiences or developments in the construction and use = of repositories involving issues specific to these technical platforms. = Further information about applications for additional Interest Groups = and guidance on submissions will be forthcoming. 24x7 Presentations One to two-page proposals for 7 minute presentations comprising no more = than 24 slides. Similar to Pecha Kuchas or Lightning Talks, these 24x7 = presentations will be grouped into blocks based on conference themes, = with each block followed by a moderated discussion / question and answer = session involving the audience and whole block of presenters. This = format will provide conference goers with a fast-paced survey of like = work across many institutions, and presenters the chance to disseminate = their work in more depth and context than a traditional poster. "Repository RANTS" 24x7 Block One block of 24x7's will revolve around "repository rants": brief = expos=E9s that challenge the conventional wisdom or practice, and = highlight what the repository community is doing that is misguided, or = perhaps just missing altogether. The top proposals will be incorporated = into a track meant to provoke unconventional approaches to repository = services. "Repository RAVES" 24x7 Block One block of 24x7's at OR2015 will revolve around "repository raves": = brief expos=E9s that celebrate particular practice and processes, and = highlight what the repository community is doing that is right. The top = proposals will be incorporated into a track meant to celebrate = successful approaches to repository services. Posters One-page proposal for posters that showcase current work are invited = from researchers, repository managers, administrators, developers and = practitioners. There will be the opportunity to make a 60-second pitch = for your poster during "minute madness" and a chance for attendees to = view and to discuss your work during the poster reception. 2015 Developer Track Each year a significant proportion of the delegates at Open Repositories = are software developers who work on repository software or related = services. OR2015 will feature a Developer Track which will provide a = focus for showcasing work, exchanging ideas and participating in = "lightning rounds". Further details and guidance on submissions to the = Developer Track will be forthcoming. Developers are also encouraged to = contribute to the other tracks as papers, posters, 24x7 presentations, = repository raves and rants 24x7 blocks. Workshops and Tutorials One to two-page proposals for workshops and tutorials addressing = theoretical or practical issues around digital repositories are = welcomed. Please address the following in your proposal: * The subject of the event and what knowledge you intend to convey * Length of session (e.g., 1-hour, 2-hour, half a day or a whole day) * A brief statement on the learning outcomes from the session * How many attendees you plan to accommodate * Technology and facility requirements * Any other supplies or support required * Anything else you believe is pertinent to carrying out the session Proposal Templates The OR2015 proposal templates are a guideline to help you prepare an = effective submission. They are provided in both the Word document and = plain-text Markdown formats and provide details around the requirements = for conference papers and panels (DOC, TXT, RTF) and 24/7's and posters = (DOC, TXT, RTF). Submission system The conference system will be open for submissions by 15 December 2014. = PDF format is preferred.=20 CODE OF CONDUCT We will be publishing guidelines for conduct for OR2015. SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME OR2015 will again run a Scholarship Programme which will enable us to = provide support for a small number of full registered places (including = the poster reception and banquet) for the conference in Indianapolis. = The programme is open to librarians, repository managers, developers and = researchers in digital libraries and related fields. Applicants = submitting a paper for the conference will be given priority = consideration for funding. Please note that the programme does not cover = costs such as accommodation, travel and subsistence. It is anticipated = that the applicant's home institution will provide financial support to = supplement the OR Scholarship Award. Full details will shortly be = available on the conference website. Program Co-Chairs Holly Mercer, University of Tennessee William J Nixon, University of Glasgow Imma Subirats, FAO of the United Nations contact: Local Hosts Indiana University Bloomington Libraries University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Virginia Tech University Libraries contact: Conference Website and Social Media website: twitter:@OR2015Indy and #or2015 facebook: --Apple-Mail-4-384074753 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 CNI is pleased to serve again this year as a = cooperating organization for the Open Repositories (OR) = Conference.

The Tenth International Conference on Open = Repositories, OR2015, will be held on June 8-11, 2015 in = Indianapolis (Indiana, USA). The organizers are pleased to invite you to = contribute to the program. This year's conference theme = is: 


OR2015 is the tenth OR conference, and this = year's overarching theme reflects that milestone: Looking Back/Moving = Forward: Open Repositories at the Crossroads. It is an opportunity to = reflect on and to celebrate the transformative changes in repositories, = scholarly communication and research data over the last decade. More = critically however, it will also help to ensure that open repositories = continue to play a key role in supporting, shaping and sharing those = changes and an open agenda for research and scholarship.

OR2015 = will provide an opportunity to explore the demands and roles now = expected of both repositories and the staff who develop, support and = manage them - and to prepare them for the challenges of the next decade. = We welcome proposals on this theme, but also on the theoretical, = practical, organizational or administrative topics related to digital = repositories. We are particularly interested in:

1. Supporting = Open Scholarship, Open Science, and Cultural Heritage = Online

Papers are invited to consider how repositories can = best support the needs of open science, open scholarship, and cultural = heritage to make research as accessible as possible, including:

* = Open access, open data and open educational resources
* Scholarly = workflows, publishing and communicating scientific knowledge
* = Compliance with funder mandates
* Considerations for cultural = heritage and digital humanities resources

 2. Managing = Research (and Open) Data

Papers are invited to consider how = repositories can support the needs of research data. Areas of interest = are:

* Data registries
* Storage
* Curation lifecycle = management
* Management and digital preservation tools

3. = Integrating with External Systems

Papers are invited to = explore, evaluate, or demonstrate integration with external systems, = including:

* CRIS and research management systems
* = Notification systems (e.g. SHared Access Research Ecosystem = (SHARE))
* Remote identifier services (e.g. ORCID, DOI, etc.)
* = Preservation services
* Archival systems (e.g. CALM or Archivists' = Toolkit)

4. Re-using Repository Content

Papers are = invited to showcase how repository content can be re-used in the context = of:

* Discipline-based repositories and services
* Discovery = services
* Integration of semantic technologies
* Repository = networks

5. Exploring Metrics and Assessment

Papers = are invited to present experiences on scholarly metrics and assessment = services, particularly:

* Bibliometrics
* Downloads (e.g. = COUNTER compliance)
* Analytics
* Altmetrics

6. Managing = Rights

Papers are invited to examine the role of rights = management in the context of open repositories, including:

* = Research and scholarly communication outputs
* Licenses (e.g. = Creative Commons, Open Data Commons)
* Embargoes
* Requirements of = funder mandates

7. Developing and Training = Staff

Papers are invited to consider the evolving role of = staff who support and manage repositories across libraries, cultural = heritage organizations, research offices and computer centres, = especially: 

* New roles and responsibilities
* Training = needs and opportunities
* Career path and recruitment
* Community = support

8. Building the Perfect Repository

Papers = are invited to look ahead to OR16 and beyond to consider what the = perfect repository looks like:

* Key features and services
* = Who would be its users?
* How would it transform scholarly = communication?
* What lessons have been learned since the first = OR?
* Or, is it a pipe dream and there's no such = thing?

Submissions that demonstrate original and = repository-related work outwith these themes will be considered, but = preference will be given to submissions which address = them.


30 January 2015: Deadline for = submissions and Scholarship Programme applications

27 March 2015: = Submitters notified of acceptance to general conference

10 April = 2015: Submitters notified of acceptance to Interest Groups

8-11 = June 2015: OR2015 conference


Conference Papers and Panels
Two to = four-page proposals for presentations or panels that deal with digital = repositories and repository services (see below for optional Proposal = Templates). Abstracts of accepted papers will be made available through = the conference's web site, and later they and associated materials will = be made available in an open repository. In general, sessions will have = three papers; panels may take an entire session. Relevant papers = unsuccessful in the main track will automatically be considered for = inclusion, as appropriate, as an Interest Group presentation, poster or = 24/7.

Interest Group Presentations
The opportunity to = engage with and learn more about the work of relevant communities of = interest is a key element of Open Repositories. One to two page = proposals are invited for presentations or panels that focus on the work = of such communities, traditionally DSpace, EPrints and Fedora, = describing novel experiences or developments in the construction and use = of repositories involving issues specific to these technical platforms. = Further information about applications for additional Interest Groups = and guidance on submissions will be forthcoming.

24x7 = Presentations
One to two-page proposals for 7 minute = presentations comprising no more than 24 slides. Similar to Pecha Kuchas = or Lightning Talks, these 24x7 presentations will be grouped into blocks = based on conference themes, with each block followed by a moderated = discussion / question and answer session involving the audience and = whole block of presenters. This format will provide conference goers = with a fast-paced survey of like work across many institutions, and = presenters the chance to disseminate their work in more depth and = context than a traditional poster.

"Repository RANTS" 24x7 = Block
One block of 24x7's will revolve around "repository rants": = brief expos=E9s that challenge the conventional wisdom or practice, and = highlight what the repository community is doing that is misguided, or = perhaps just missing altogether. The top proposals will be incorporated = into a track meant to provoke unconventional approaches to repository = services.

"Repository RAVES" 24x7 Block
One = block of 24x7's at OR2015 will revolve around "repository raves": brief = expos=E9s that celebrate particular practice and processes, and = highlight what the repository community is doing that is right. The top = proposals will be incorporated into a track meant to celebrate = successful approaches to repository = services.

One-page proposal for posters that = showcase current work are invited from researchers, repository managers, = administrators, developers and practitioners. There will be the = opportunity to make a 60-second pitch for your poster during "minute = madness" and a chance for attendees to view and to discuss your work = during the poster reception.

2015 Developer Track
Each = year a significant proportion of the delegates at Open Repositories are = software developers who work on repository software or related services. = OR2015 will feature a Developer Track which will provide a focus for = showcasing work, exchanging ideas and participating in "lightning = rounds". Further details and guidance on submissions to the Developer = Track will be forthcoming. Developers are also encouraged to contribute = to the other tracks as papers, posters, 24x7 presentations, repository = raves and rants 24x7 blocks.

Workshops and = Tutorials
One to two-page proposals for workshops and tutorials = addressing theoretical or practical issues around digital repositories = are welcomed. Please address the following in your proposal:

* = The subject of the event and what knowledge you intend to convey
* = Length of session (e.g., 1-hour, 2-hour, half a day or a whole day)
* = A brief statement on the learning outcomes from the session
* How = many attendees you plan to accommodate
* Technology and facility = requirements
* Any other supplies or support required
* Anything = else you believe is pertinent to carrying out the = session

Proposal Templates
The OR2015 proposal = templates are a guideline to help you prepare an effective submission. = They are provided in both the Word document and plain-text Markdown = formats and provide details around the requirements for conference = papers and panels (DOCTXTRTF) and 24/7's and = posters (DOCTXTRTF).

Submission = system
The conference system will be open for submissions by 15 = December 2014. PDF format is preferred. 


We will be publishing guidelines for conduct for = OR2015.


OR2015 will again run = a Scholarship Programme which will enable us to provide support for a = small number of full registered places (including the poster reception = and banquet) for the conference in Indianapolis. The programme is open = to librarians, repository managers, developers and researchers in = digital libraries and related fields. Applicants submitting a paper for = the conference will be given priority consideration for funding. Please = note that the programme does not cover costs such as accommodation, = travel and subsistence. It is anticipated that the applicant's home = institution will provide financial support to supplement the OR = Scholarship Award. Full details will shortly be available on the = conference website.

Program Co-Chairs

Holly Mercer, = University of Tennessee
William J Nixon, University of = Glasgow
Imma Subirats, FAO of the United = Nations

contact: or15-program-chairs@g=

Local Hosts

Indiana University = Bloomington Libraries
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign = Library
Virginia Tech University Libraries


Confer= ence Website and Social Media


twi= tter:@OR2015Indy and #or2015

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