Mailing Lijst Bericht #114134
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: JCDL 2015: Doctoral Consortium & Registration
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:24:28 -0400
CNI is pleased to serve as a cooperating organization for JCDL again this year. Note that early registration closes May 15th (details below), and the submission deadline for the Doctoral Consortium (a workshop for Ph.D. students in the early phases of their dissertation work) has been extended to April 24 (more at


Registrations for the JCDL 2015 conference are now live. Details at: 
The conference will be held from June 21-25 in Knoxville, TN. More information about the conference theme and the location is below.

Early registrations close on May 15th.

Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2015 
Large, Dynamic and Ubiquitous – The Era of the Digital Library

University of Tennessee Conference Center
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
June 21-25, 2015

Theme Big Data is everywhere – from Computational Science to Digital Humanities, from Web Analytics to traditional libraries. While there do exist significant challenges in other areas, for many the biggest issue of all is a digital libraries one – How do we preserve big data collections? How do we provide access to big data collections? What new questions can we pose against our big data collections? These are all digital libraries questions. How can we, the digital libraries community, stand up in the face of these challenges and inform collection builders, curators, and interface developers how to best solve their challenges? What assumptions have we been working under that no longer hold in light of Big Data? These are some of the timely questions we hope to address at JCDL 2015.

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