Mailing Lijst Bericht #114136
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: LSC Webinar - U. Arizona STEM and collaboration
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:11:06 -0400

I want to call your attention to the next Learning Spaces Collaboratory webinar about U. Arizona and their undergraduate STEM initiative. I understand that it is a great example of collaboration among IT, libraries, STEM faculty, senior academic leadership, and facilities staff.

--Joan Lippincott

Please join us for the LSC Webinar The Story of the University of Arizona: Transforming How and Where Learning Happens (Implementing an AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative) on May 5th at 3:30pm EDT. This webinar will focus on implementing a redesign of STEM learning, based on evidence-based practices, integrating attention to the teaching practices and to the learning spaces at the University of Arizona.

Registration and information is available at

For a snapshot of their efforts, supported through the AAU STEM initiative, please view this youtube video that tells the story of UA’s pilot Collaborative Learning Spaces Project.

Whether or not questions about “how big can a space be?” are driving your planning, the UA story is one of attention to culture change as foundational to transforming STEM learning. Whether or not you are working with RI institutions or predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUI), the process by which UA is redefining how STEM learning happens and how to shape a comprehensive, interdisciplinary institutional effort to ensure success will be of value.

·         UA AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Project

·         AAU STEM Education Initiative

Please also put the June 10th LSC Webinar on your schedule. The thrust of this webinar is how to reinvent the concept of the Maker Spaces, capturing the experience of the workshop orchestrated by the LSC and the Epicenter at the at Stanford (sponsored by VentureWell).
Jeanne L. Narum
The Independent Colleges Office, Director
Learning Spaces Collaboratory, Principal
D: (202) 256-8872
C: (202) 528-0305
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