Mailing List Message #114164
From: Clifford Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: "Making Sense of the Science of Cities" report on Urban Informatics Centers
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 17:01:30 -0400
For the last few years, I have been tracking the growth of an exciting series multi-disciplinary research programs at some of our member organizations (and a number of other institutions) dealing with what I'll call for want of a better term "Urban Informatics". This deals both with the design of smart cities through information technologies (and other developments such as new lighting and power systems that integrate with information systems), and the use of telemetry from various systems that can be used to better understand and to improve urban life. The particular range of disciplines and balance between design and analysis varies widely from institution.

The CIties of Data project (see, which as I understand it is part of the overall Data and Society program (see )  has just issued a very useful report surveying these developments titled "Making Sense of the Science of Cities" which is available at:

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
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