Mailing Lijst Bericht #114177
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: ELI Online Fall Focus Session
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 09:35:00 -0400
Sending on behalf of our ELI colleagues, an invitation to register for the fall online ELI focus session "Leadership for Teaching and Learning: More Choices, More Complexities, New Models." 
--Joan Lippincott

Colleagues, just a reminder that we have recruited a terrific set of speakers for the ELI online focus session (Sept 15-16). Among them are Jen Stringer (UC Berkeley), Vince Kellen (University of Kentucky), and EDUCAUSE’s new president, John O’Brien. The attached PDF contains the complete program.

Today, responsibility for support of teaching and learning is shared across different campus organizations. For this focus session, we will explore the issues and opportunities for leadership in teaching and learning in this new context. Each of our presenters will be contributing a set of leadership lessons learned to what we are calling a leadership toolbox, which will be a valuable resource for all attendees.

We hope you can join us! Feel free to email me should you have questions about any facet of the focus session.

Director, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative

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