Mailing List Message #114203
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: 2016 Horizon Project Higher Education trends, challenges, and developments selected
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 10:29:30 -0500

Dear cni-announce subscribers:

It's that time of year - the Horizon Project Higher Education trends, 2016 edition, have just been announced. In addition, you are invited to submit your projects, policies, and initiatives that reflect those topics to the New Media Consortium (NMC).
Disclosure: I served on the advisory group to this report and am also serving on the NMC Board.
--Joan Lippincott, CNI
Posting on behalf of the New Media Consortium: The 2016 Horizon Project Higher Education expert panel has spoken! They have just selected the six key trends, six significant challenges, and six important developments in educational technology that will be featured in the upcoming NMC Horizon Report > 2016 Higher Education Edition, to be released at the ELI Annual Meeting in February. The project and resulting report is a collaboration with the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). These are the topic poised to have a major impact on teaching, learning, and creative inquiry in higher education across the globe.

Check out a summary of results below, and you can find helpful definitions and discussions of each on the official project wiki. Then it’s your turn! We’re looking for innovative projects, policies, and leadership initiatives that reflect these topics in action. Submit your exemplary work at

I. Key Trends Accelerating Higher Education Technology Adoption

Long-Term Impact Trends: Accelerating technology adoption in Higher Education for five or more years

  • Advancing Cultures of Change and Innovation
  • Rethinking How Institutions Work

Mid-Term Impact Trends: Accelerating technology adoption in Higher Education for the next three to five years

  • Redesigning Learning Spaces
  • Shift to Deep Learning Approaches

Short-Term Impact Trends: Accelerating technology adoption in Higher Education for the next one to two years

  • Growing Focus on Measuring Learning
  • Increasing Use of Blended Learning Designs

II. Significant Challenges Impeding Higher Education Technology Adoption

Solvable Challenges: Those which we both understand and know how to solve

  • Blending Formal and Informal Learning
  • Improving Digital Literacy

Difficult Challenges: Those we understand but for which solutions are elusive

  • Competing Models of Education
  • Personalizing Learning

Wicked Challenges: Those that are complex to even define, much less address

  • Balancing Our Connected and Unconnected Lives
  • Keeping Education Relevant

III. Important Developments in Technology for Higher Education

 Time-to-Adoption Horizon: One Year or Less

  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
  • Learning Analytics & Adaptive Learning

 Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Two to Three Years

  • Augmented Reality
  • Makerspaces

Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Four to Five Years

  • Affective Computing
  • Robotics

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