CNI Communications
The upcoming 2016 Open Access Symposium will be held on May 19-20 here at the University of North Texas near Dallas. The keynote will be Professor Johan Rooryck, former executive editor of the Elsevier journal
Lingua, who led a revolt against the pricing and copyright policies of the Dutch publishing giant. For the full line-up of speakers, see
A last minute surprise speaker has been added to the symposium – Alexandra Elbakyan, the rebel creator of the Sci-Hub repository. Elbakyan will (of necessity) be speaking via Skype from Kazakhstan; we anticipate a lively presentation and follow-up Q&A. Her presentation will not be recorded (because of live in-room translation from Russian and other reasons), so please join us if you want to hear her speak.
While online registration for the event is now closed, a limited number of seats are still available on a first-come, first-serve basis; email me if you are interested in attending, with a subject line of “2016 OAS Registration Request”. We look forward to seeing you in sunny Texas!
Best regards,
Martin Halbert (Ph.D., MLIS)
UNT Dean of Libraries and Associate Professor