Mailing Lijst Bericht #114273
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Supporting Digital Humanities - CNI Executive Roundtable Report
Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 14:40:00 -0400
Dear cni-announce subscribers:

I am pleased to announce that a report of two sessions of a CNI Executive Roundtable on Supporting Digital Humanities is now available at

In this report, we summarize the state of play of support for digital humanities at many of our member institutions. We were pleased that we had representatives from many types of higher education institutions and individuals representing many kinds of roles - library administrators, technologists, faculty, and others, so that we had a variety of perspectives on the topics discussed. The report describes some of the models employed at various campuses and explores some of the key issues that arose, such as types of staff expertise needed, lifecycle support for projects, and the problems of acceptability of some forms of digital scholarship outputs in promotion and tenure processes. The roundtables were held at the December, 2014 CNI membership meeting.

CNI has had an ongoing interest in supporting digital scholarship. Additional resources on our website include a report and program descriptions from a Digital Scholarship Centers: Trends and Good Practice Workshop held in spring, 2014
and a number of videos and presentations on this topic from our membership meetings - see, for example the items listed in the category "digital humanities" on our website:

In addition, CNI is currently working with the EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR) Working Group on Developing Digital Humanities Support to produce a paper on this topic. We will announce it's availability on cni-announce.

--Joan Lippincott, CNI
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