Mailing List Message #114313
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Learning Spaces Collaboratory Fall Webinar Series
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2016 21:05:30 -0400
I know many cni-announce subscribers have registered for the Learning Spaces Collaboratory webinars in the past; they are high quality and engaging. Here is the fall line-up.
Joan Lippincott, CNI
We are pleased to announce the Fall 2016 LSC Webinar Series. These webinars continue discussions from the Spring 2016 Roundtables about questions to ask in the process of embedding attention to a particular facilities project in ongoing, institution-wide efforts toward transformative and sustainable change.
Webinar facilitators tell stories from their personal experience about identifying and working with key agents of change across the campus, about seeking and embracing evidence about the effectiveness of 21st century pedagogical approaches, about the impact of the planning process and the reality of new spaces for learning on the institutional culture and future.
Webinar facilitators represent the diversity of perspectives and expertise that need to be drawn into the planning process, illustrating how academics and architects learn with and from each other, how planning spaces becomes an exercise in problem-solving. Campuses are encouraged to convene a cadre of stakeholders to participate in the webinar and join together in follow-up discussions.
Schedule: Webinars are scheduled from 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. EDT.
Registration fee: Registration is $200 for a single webinar; fee for all four webinars is $700.
Post-webinar resource: All registrants have access to a webinar recording.
About the September 15 LSC Webinar:
Questions to be explored:

·         What comes first in planning active learning spaces: attention to space or pedagogy? 
·         How to balance an institution’s need to provide more classroom seats to accommodate growing enrollments, more tuition income against institutional goals for increased retention, student success? 
·         How to create a balance of active-learning spaces—formal and informal, from large lecture halls to corners and hallways signaling that learning happens everywhere?
Join us to learn about best practices in learning space design: ubiquity; proximity; mobility; connectivity and adaptability. 
1.     Oregon State University— Learning Innovation Center  (LInC) (Roundtable Portfolio)
2.     University of Maryland College Park—The Edward. St. John Learning and Teaching Center (Roundtable Portfolio)
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Please be in touch with any questions.
Jeanne L. Narum
The Independent Colleges Office, Director
Learning Spaces Collaboratory, Principal
D: (202) 256-8872
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