After the Harvest: Preservation, Access, and Research Services for the 2016 End of Term Web Archive, Jefferson Bailey (Internet Archive), Abbie Grotke (Library of Congress), Mark Phillips (University of North Texas)
This is the third time the End of Term (EOT) group has organized to identify, harvest, preserve and providing access to a snapshot of the US federal government web presence to document the changes caused by the transition of elected officials in the executive branch of the government and to provide a broad snapshot of the federal domain once every four years for long-term preservation.
Documenting the Now: Supporting Scholarly Use and Preservation of Social Media Content, Ed Summers (University of Maryland)
The dramatic rise in the public’s use of social media to document events of historical significance presents archivists and others who build primary source research collections with a unique opportunity to transform appraisal, collecting, preservation and discovery of this new type of research data. The Documenting the Now project aims to address these opportunities by creating a cloud-ready, open-source application, called DocNow, for collecting tweets and their associated web content and metadata, with mechanisms for export and visualization to facilitate use of a large social media data set and the incorporation of these data into local digital preservation systems.