Mailing Lijst Bericht #114383
From: Cliff Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Preservation Quality Tool Workshop, May 1-2, 2017, Univ. of Notre Dame
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2017 14:28:45 -0400
I wanted to share this announcement and call for participation with the
CNI community.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI


PresQT (Preservation Quality Tool) Workshop  
Date: May 1-2, 2017
Registration(by April 23): Click here to register
Location: Conference Center at McKenna Hall, University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

PresQT engages stakeholders in a collaborative planning effort to
enhance reproducibility and more open sharing of research data and

This is the first of two plannedPresQT workshops funded by an IMLS
National Library Leadership grant to convene user communities and tool
providers engaged in data and software preservation to assess needs,
look at the successful tools of today, and brainstorm about the data
and software preservation tools of the future. What do your users and
systems need most to enable better software and data preservation?
Better data quality?

Workshop Format:

• Keynote talks
• Lightning talks* (See deadlines below, Submit an Abstract! )
• Breakout sessions*: teach, learn, prototype hackathon, roundtables,
panels & brainstorming sessions (See deadlines below, Submit an
Abstract! )
• Other workshop ideas/topics that you would like to promote?

Give a lightning talk at the workshop or lead a breakout session!

We want everyone to have an opportunity to share their enthusiasm and
inspiration! Workshop sessions and lightning talks provide a great
opportunity to speak about your experiences, opinions or ideas related
to data and software preservation needs. Topics raised in the session
and talks will generate inspiration, discussion and even carry over
into our casual coffee break conversations.  Express your interest in
speaking or leading a session by sending a brief email to & submit a short (maximum 1 page) abstract
of your session concept by April 7  or lightning talks by 12 April .
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