From: "Joan K. Lippincott" Sender: To: CNI-ANNOUNCE Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 14:35:00 -0400 Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: Received: from (account [] verified) by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 6.1.12) with ESMTPSA id 32408852 for; Tue, 11 Apr 2017 13:09:45 -0400 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Apple-Mail=_5F4365C4-8C2A-42F9-BC83-6DAABBB11E7C" Subject: ETD+ Toolkit available X-Original-Message-Id: <> X-Original-Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 13:09:45 -0400 X-Original-To: "" Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 6.6 \(1510\)) X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1510) --Apple-Mail=_5F4365C4-8C2A-42F9-BC83-6DAABBB11E7C Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252 Educopia Institute has issued another very useful resource related to = electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). Along with partners NDLTD, = ProQuest, bepress, and twelve academic libraries and with the support of = the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), an ETD+ Toolkit is = now freely available. The creators would also like to receive feedback = from you on this Toolkit. -- Joan Lippincott, CNI ------------------------------ We are pleased to share this announcement from the Educopia Institute on = the latest release from the ETD+ project: The ETD+ Toolkit ( is = an approach to improving student and faculty research output management. = Focusing on the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) as a = mile-marker in a student=92s research trajectory, it provides in-time = advice to students and faculty about avoiding common digital loss = scenarios for the ETD and all of its affiliated files. The ETD+ Toolkit provides free introductory training resources on = crucial data curation and digital longevity techniques. It has been = designed as a training series to help students and faculty identify and = offset risks and threats to their digital research footprints. About the Toolkit The ETD+ Toolkit is the result of a project = ( generously funded by the = Institute of Library and Museum Services. Educopia Institute led the = creation of the Toolkit in partnership with the NDLTD, ProQuest, = bepress, and 12 U.S. research libraries.=20 What it is:=20 An open set of six modules and evaluation instruments that prepare = students to create, store, and maintain their research outputs on = durable devices and in durable formats. Each is designed to stand alone; = they may also be used as a series.=20 What each module includes:=20 Each module includes Learning Objectives, a one-page Handout, a Guidance = Brief, a Slideshow with full presenter notes, and an evaluation Survey. = Each module is released under a CC-BY license and all elements are = openly editable to make reuse as easy as possible. Who it is for:=20 Anyone may freely adopt and adapt this toolkit. We especially recommend = its use by administrators, faculty, and librarians teaching students and = by students seeking practical advice about digital content management. =20= Give us feedback (Please) Like the modules? Hate them? Think they=92re unique? Redundant? These = materials have been produced under a grant-funded project, and we are = requesting feedback that we can share with our funder and that we can = use to improve the Toolkit. Please help us to refine the workshops and = report back to our funder about how and where they are being used. = Contact and --Apple-Mail=_5F4365C4-8C2A-42F9-BC83-6DAABBB11E7C Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252 We are pleased to share this announcement from the Educopia = Institute on the latest release from the ETD+ = project:

The ETD+ = Toolkit ( is an approach to improving student and faculty research = output management. Focusing on the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation = (ETD) as a mile-marker in a student=92s research trajectory, it provides = in-time advice to students and faculty about avoiding common digital = loss scenarios for the ETD all of its affiliated = files.

The ETD+ = Toolkit provides free introductory training = resources on crucial data curation and digital longevity techniques. It = has been designed as a training series to help students and faculty = identify and offset risks and threats to their digital research = footprints.

The ETD+ = Toolkit is the result of a project ( /research/grants/etdplus) generously funded by the Institute of = Library and Museum Services. Educopia Institute led the creation of the = Toolkit in partnership with the NDLTD, ProQuest, bepress, and 12 U.S. = research libraries.

An open set of six = modules and evaluation instruments that prepare students to create, = store, and maintain their research outputs on durable devices and in = durable formats. Each is designed to stand alone; they may also be used = as a series.

Each module includes = Learning Objectives, a one-page Handout, a Guidance Brief, a Slideshow = with full presenter notes, and an evaluation Survey. Each module is = released under a CC-BY license and all elements are openly editable to = make reuse as easy as possible.

Who = it is for:
Anyone may freely = adopt and adapt this toolkit. We especially recommend its use by = administrators, faculty, and librarians teaching students and by = students seeking practical advice about digital content management. =   

Like the modules? = Hate them? Think they=92re unique? Redundant? These materials have been = produced under a grant-funded project, and we are requesting feedback = that we can share with our funder and that we can use to improve the = Toolkit. Please help us to refine the workshops and report back to our = funder about how and where they are being used. Contact and .

= --Apple-Mail=_5F4365C4-8C2A-42F9-BC83-6DAABBB11E7C--