Mailing Lijst Bericht #114413
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Design for Diversity - Northeastern U. Call for Participation
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 12:10:00 -0400
Posting on behalf of Patrick Yott, at Northeastern University Libraries, who is seeking participation in a very interesting project to promote inclusive and ethical practices in information systems. There is a link to the project website for more information.

--Joan Lippincott, CNI
The Digital Scholarship Group at Northeastern University is pleased to announce an IMLS-funded national forum on "Design for Diversity": a public conversation that focuses on constructing a collaborative pedagogical toolkit to encourage inclusive and ethical practices in information sciences and system design. 
This IMLS grant will support a series of public events and working meetings on the ways in which information systems embody and reinforce cultural norms, and ask how we can design systems that account for diverse cultural materials and ways of knowing. The end results will be a teaching and learning toolkit for cultural heritage practitioners in systems design which will better inform both future work and the education and professional development of new practitioners.
We envision this toolkit combating problems of colonizing, appropriating, silencing, and marginalizing; we are counting on your participation and involvement. It is essential to the success of this project that we partner with participants with a broad range of experience and backgrounds, to help us think through these complex questions of design and pedagogy from many different perspectives.
We are especially interested in partners who are practicing cultural heritage systems design, whether in a formal organization or not: we seek activists, community organizers, and other grassroots collectors of history as well as librarians, archivists, scholars, and curators. We seek to involve the many different kinds of people undertaking information systems design, from activities like cataloging, building metadata schema, and creating automated re-use policies to building databases, designing web interfaces, and more.
The first in-person event will be held October 16-17, 2017 at Northeastern University in Boston. To learn about ways that you can participate and sign up for our email list, visit our website:
Follow us on Twitter at @Des4Div or contact the grant team at


Joan K. Lippincott, Ph.D.

Associate Executive Director

Coalition for Networked Information

21 Dupont Circle, Suite 800

Washington, DC  20036


202-872-0886 (Fax)

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