Dear cni-announce subscribers: Those of you interested in trends in academic libraries today may wish to register for this free webinar. The speakers represent selected authors from a new book, edited by Yale's Todd Gilman. They'll talk about a range of issues from their various perspectives. (Disclosure: my daughter, Sarah Lippincott, formerly with the Library Publishing Coalition, will speak about scholarly communication issues; we co-authored the chapter on that topic.) -Joan Lippincott, CNI  Join Us For a Live 60-Minute Presentation |
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| Academic Librarianship Today |
Hosted by Yale University Library's Todd Gilman, this webinar offers multiple expert perspectives on the transformation of libraries as information organizations, the influence of technology on how we provide academic information resources and services in a digital and global environment, and the various career opportunities available for academic librarians now and in the future. The speakers offer broad and diverse views, ranging from those of senior administrators and practitioners working in North American academic libraries large and small to thought leaders from recognized non-profit organizations devoted to research and strategic guidance for libraries in the digital age, to library school faculty. What emerges is a library landscape at once full of promise and exciting initiatives yet beset by seemingly insurmountable challenges-how to attract and retain the talent needed for current and future professional roles, how to keep up with ever-advancing computer technology, and how to pay for all this along with the vast quantity of research materials our ambitious and accomplished patrons demand. |
Librarian for Literature in English Yale University
Todd taught literature and writing at the University of Toronto, Boston University, and MIT before embarking on a career in academic librarianship. Associate Professor, Associate Dean for Student and Scholar Services University of Denver Libraries
Carrie co-edited Rethinking Reference for Academic Libraries: Innovative Developments and Future Trends, published by Rowman and Littlefield in 2014. Sarah K. Lippincott, panelist Program Director The Library Publishing Coalition (LPC)
Before joining the LPC, Sarah worked as an independent communications consultant for The Association of Research Libraries (ARL), SPARC, and the open access journal eLife.
Jennifer Osorio, panelist Interim Head of the Collections, Research and Instructional Services (CRIS) Department Charles E. Young Research Library University of California, Los Angeles Jennifer also serves as the subject librarian for Latin American Studies, Iberian Studies, and Ethnic Studies.
Brian Owen, panelist Associate University Librarian for Technology Services and Special Collectionas Simon Fraser University Library Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia Brian has over twenty-five years of senior management experience in large academic libraries, with the development, implementation, and maintenance of library software and systems, both proprietary and open source; and the application of information technology to creating, maintaining, accessing and preserving information resources. |
Rowman & Littlefield publishes high-quality college texts, entertaining and informative books for general readers, and professional and scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences. Rowman & Littlefield is dedicated to publishing texts and books of general interest in the social sciences: area studies, communication, criminology, education, geography, health, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, sociology, and women's studies. We offer serious works of scholarship, core textbooks for introductory courses, supplemental, affordable paperbacks for alternative approaches to teaching, and general interest and trade books for the curious reader. |
This webinar is a paid sponsorship opportunity. The products, services, and opinions presented herein do not constitute a Choice, ACRL, or ALA endorsement of any kind. As a webinar registrant, you will receive follow-up correspondence from ACRL and Choice and may receive other special offers from our sponsors. |
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